Strawberry Mojito

It is not known for certain why this cocktail has become so popular, whether thanks to the creations of Ernest Hemingway, or because of its really stunningly aromatic and refreshing taste. But today it is one of the most favorite and ordered cocktails, especially in the warm season. And now it's a sin not to take advantage of the moment, and not to cook his strawberry interpretation, a little sweeter and more fragrant.

How to make a strawberry mojito at home - an alcoholic recipe

This is a slightly modified recipe for classic mojito , but no less delicious and fragrant. This number of ingredients is calculated per serving.



Strawberry for such mojito can be taken and frozen, tk. we still mash it in puree in a blender. Lemon we cut into slices, put in a mortar or any bowl along with mint, basil and re-pestle well, if there is no pestle with the butt of the rolling pin. It is important that the herbs and lemon give the juice. Next, add this spicy mass to the glass and top up the strawberry puree. Ice we put in a towel or a dense package and all the same rolling pin turns into a crumb. Dosage in a glass to ¾, add the rum and add a sprite, mix a spoon with a long handle, a glass is decorated with a strawberry.

Strawberry Mojito - a recipe for a non-alcoholic cocktail

There are situations when you can not drink alcohol or just do not want to strain the body with alcohol on a hot summer day. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of a refreshing, delicious cocktail! This recipe is just for such a case.



Ginger clean and cut into rings. Strawberry, clean and cut into quarters. Lime is chopped into slices (it should be 8 lobules), two are left for decoration, the rest, along with mint, strawberry and sugar, we send to the bowl thoroughly rub everything in puree. We take high glasses to lay out the cooked mashed potatoes, throw two rings of ginger, fill it with ice crumbs and top up the soda water. Just choose water carefully, so that it is not a mineral water with a salty taste. Gently mix everything, put on the edges of the glasses lime segments and insert tubes.