Tincture of saber - application

Sabelnik marsh (also known as deco, pyatilistnik, marshes) is a perennial medicinal plant. For therapeutic purposes, use all parts of the plant (leaves, stem, root), but the most common drugs obtained from the rhizome. First of all - alcohol tincture of the swamp saber.

Application of tincture of sabelnik

Sabelnik has astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing properties. It contains tannic and flavone substances, vitamins (including a large amount of vitamin C), organic acids, resins, essential oils.

The use of tinctures of the swamp saber is very effective against pain in the muscles and joints, to combat arthritis, rheumatism , salt deposits, with osteochondrosis, colds, stomachaches, diarrhea. Also in folk medicine tincture of saber is used in the treatment of cancer of the stomach and mammary glands.

There are no unambiguous contraindications for the use of the saber tincture. But it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy, lactating women and with individual intolerance.

Preparation of the tincture of the saber

Like most herbal preparations, the tincture of a saber can be purchased at a pharmacy. Nevertheless, to prepare a tincture of a saber in the home is quite simple. There are many recipes, how to make a tincture from a saber, but most of them differ only in the time of infusion. Therefore, here we give only the most common recipes:

  1. 50 grams of the ground roots of the plant are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol (70%) or vodka and insist in a dark place for three weeks. Then tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Tincture is used for oral administration, as well as for grinding and compresses for pain in the joints.
  2. Dried and crushed root and ground part of the plant to mix in a 2: 1 ratio, pour alcohol or good vodka at the rate of 0.5 liters per 100 grams of raw materials. Infuse for two weeks in a warm dark place, then strain and clean in the refrigerator.

Insist and store the product in a glass container. The tincture should be a saturated red-brown color. The difference in color means that for the preparation of tincture of the saber, poor-quality raw materials were used.

How to take a tincture of a saber?

It should be borne in mind that, like most phytopreparations, treatment with tincture of sabelnik does not give an immediate effect. To achieve the result, it is required to take the drug for three weeks, for a certain time.

With preventive intake of tincture - this is two courses with a break of 3 days between them. In the treatment of various diseases it is recommended to hold at least four courses of admission preparation.

The most common scheme for taking tinctures is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. And initially the reception starts from one teaspoon, bringing the dose to the dining room in a few days. In severe cases, the dose can be increased to two tablespoons at a time. If the tincture is made on alcohol, then it can be diluted with the same amount of water before intake.

In diseases of the joints, in addition to oral administration, it is desirable to use the tincture also externally, in the form of rubbing and compresses or a therapeutic ointment. The latter can be prepared independently from a tube of the most simple hand cream, a teaspoon of tincture of a saber, a teaspoon of tincture of red pepper, a tablespoon of honey and 10 drops of vitamin E.

Before you drink the tincture of the saber, you should know that in the early days there may be an exacerbation of the symptoms of certain diseases, especially the kidneys and liver.