Names for turtles - the best names and nicknames that you can think of

Exotic pets, such as turtles, are common, just to look after and maintain. It is very difficult to pick up nicknames for your pets. There are different names for turtles, which can be chosen, focusing on gender, character traits, behavior and so on.

How can you name a turtle?

There are several criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a name for the pet:

  1. Individual traits. The name for the turtle can be selected by nature. If the pet is active, then the name Shustrick and Poprygunya will suit. When he, on the contrary, is calm, then consider the option of Tikhon or Slowly.
  2. The size. At home, turtles can reach a length of up to 30 cm or more, it all depends on the species. For dwarf breeds, the name Baby, Sharik or Pushinka is suitable. For large specimens, choose such names: Giant, Krepysh, Napoleon and so on.
  3. The color of the shell. Interesting names for turtles with a light shell: Blonde, Snow White or Snowball. Still suitable options are: Chernysh, Zebra, Rag, Kubik, Chess player and others.

Names for red-bellied turtles

Many people perceive these animals as amoebic and slow, but this does not apply to red-eared turtles , which are mobile and able to move by land and water. What is interesting is that they even hear and respond to their nickname. If you are thinking about how best to call a red-bellied turtle, then consider the options: Hamlet, Burger, Luntik, Snowflake, Caesar, Zephyrka, Tail, Hector and others. In addition, these animals have a steep nature and they are born hunters, so you can choose such names: Pirate, Barmalej, Bandit and so on.

How to name a land tortoise?

It is worth mentioning at once that there is no fundamental difference between the names of land and water turtles. Features can be emphasized on the basis of behavior, speed of movement, habitat and other nuances. Funny nicknames for turtles that people creep on land: Sand, Smoke, Breeze, Slider, Schumacher or, conversely, Brake.

How to name a turtle a girl?

If you do not want to spend time watching a pet, to see the nature of his character, then just use beautiful nicknames. For females it is recommended to choose soft and melodic names for turtles, which simultaneously will emphasize the calmness and slowness of the animal. We invite you to pay attention to such names as turtles: Margot, Michelle, Ariel, Basil, Greta, Michelle, Zosia, Zuzha, Daisy, Lucy, Leila, Monica, Maggie, Kylie and so on.

How to name the tortoise of a boy?

The most popular names for male turtles are taken from a popular cartoon: Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael. For those who are not a fan of the cartoon, there are other names for the boys' turtles, for example, Admiral, Alf, Jasper, Jorik, Clyde, Marty, Oswald, Romeo and so on. Many in the selection are guided by the names of Greek gods, cartoon heroes and fairy tales, for example, Orpheus, Zeus, Jack, Kuzya or Beethoven.

English names for turtles

Fans of all foreign can choose names, of English origin. For example, you can use male and female names: Bob, Samantha, Claire, Simon, Clinton, Catherine, Nick and many others. Yes just turn on any foreign TV series and there you can hear many different names. English turtle names can be associated with ordinary objects or objects, for example, Sky, Zero, Snow, Apple and Topo like that. If a person loves English and vocabulary allows, then problems with choice should arise.

How cool it is to call a turtle?

Think about what name to choose for your new friend, then be guided by these options:

  1. For pets that look graceful and have "royal" habits, the names of heroes from literature and cinema will suit: Hamlet, Ophelia, Lilith.
  2. If you are interested in what names give turtles, then pay attention to nicknames in honor of the famous cartoon characters, movies and various art works: Ostap, Nemo, Johnny, Leopold.
  3. The names of writers, actors, poets and other famous personalities are widespread: Freud, Darwin, Ozzie, Leonardo, Rachel, Angelina.
  4. The original sound of "edible" nicknames: Keksik, Coconut, Bun, Candy.
  5. Picking up a name for a turtle, you can consider options among the ancient gods and goddesses, and other heroes: Cleopatra, Penelope, Hermes, Hercules.