Fleas in dogs

Fleas are blood-sucking peddlers of infections. Hardy, quickly multiply. They can parasitize both humans and animals. Pulex irritans is a species that lives mostly in humans, and only in case of constant contact with animals, for example, pets, passes to them. Fleas in dogs, this is mainly Ctenocephalus canis.

How to understand what a flea dog has?

Here are a few common signs:

  1. The pet constantly itches. The cause of pruritus can be not only fleas, but also deprive, therefore, before to find out, than to treat fleas at a dog, it is necessary to examine the animal well.
  2. Loss of appetite and weight.
  3. Irritability.

Removing fleas from dogs is a long and labor-consuming process. A pet can pick up fleas while walking through the park, out of the cracks in the plinth, from the folds of upholstery furniture, walking along the grass. In addition to the treatment of wool, the owner of the animal will have to face the need for thorough cleaning and surface treatment with insecticacaricidal agents.

Prevention is the best remedy for fleas in dogs.

The means of preventing fleas include:

  1. Shampoo for fleas for dogs. Even the most expensive and "natural" shampoos from fleas operate only 4-5 days. You can make shampoo from fleas by yourself. In boiling distilled or filtered water, a soap root is added (purchased at the pharmacy) at a rate of two glasses of water of 1.5 glasses of soap root. Boil the solution over low heat for 20 minutes. The cooled solution is passed through a sieve to remove the soap root, and 20 drops of essential oil are added. Suitable for any essential oil, for example, citrus, cedar, eucalyptus, mint or rosemary (also bought at the pharmacy).
  2. Collar for fleas. The flea collar can be repellent and insectoacaricidal. It is believed that the insecticocaricidal collar is better to protect against fleas, but it should be remembered that its use for nursing or pregnant dogs is prohibited. You can use the collar as an additional tool and in the event that the dog has already picked up fleas.
  3. Regular cleaning of the corner or enclosure. It is also advised to constantly wash or change the dog bedding, with insecticaricidal means to treat the place of animal maintenance.

What if the dog has fleas?

If the dog nevertheless picked up fleas, then one collar can not be dispensed with:

  1. It should be limited to the animal access to chairs and other furniture, even if the dog is used to lying on the couch and considers it his. If the fleas remain in drapery folds, then the pet can pick up the parasites again.
  2. Only a sufficiently strong means can immediately remove the flea, it is desirable to use them in combination with each other, rather than separately.
  3. After you cure the dog of fleas, be sure to replace the litter, treat the dog's collar, leash and clothing to prevent repeated infection by fleas.

Fleas in dogs: treatment

Than to treat a dog from fleas, as not by drops or sprays against fleas, ticks and lice? What is the difference between these drugs, which one is better to choose?

  1. Drops from fleas are applied to the withers of an animal. The effect lasts from 2 to 5 weeks. It is recommended to use the drops together with the flea collar.
  2. Spray from fleas for dogs . The spray needs to process all the animal's fur, since its action extends exclusively to the treated areas. But the spray can be used not only for the treatment of wool, but also for the habitats of the animal. Can be used with an anti-collar collar.