How to make a stamp with your own hands?

Every child, of course, loves to draw, but since many children are often tired from the monotonous activities, parents have to come up with such "innovations" that may interest the child and enthrall him. For example, in drawing it can be stamps for children, which can be easily made by hand. On these stamps you can depict anything - animals, trees, various symbols, so that the child can draw with their help the most real pictures. So, let's figure out how to make stamps for drawing with your own hands.

How to make a stamp with your own hands?

First, let's define what materials will be needed in the process of making a stamp with their own hands:

So, with the necessary materials, we figured out, and now let's go directly to the description of the process of creating stamps.

Step 1: Draw a pencil on the wine stopper or any other material you choose that picture that you want to see on the stamp. Then take the clerical knife and carefully cut out the shape. This process does not require haste, since the figure should be neat to look nice on the impression.

Step 2: After that, you only need to use the stamp - lower it into the paint, and then press it against the paper. If you notice that the print is uneven, then just trim the stamp again. Also pay attention to the fact that if you make a stamp of cork, then if the cork is made of natural material, the impression will be more uneven than if the cork is synthetic.

It should also be noted that these stamps, made by themselves, will be suitable for scrapbooking, so that adults can use them with pleasure, and not just children.