10 Secrets of a Happy Family Life

Only the naive girls dream of eternal love, which they saw only as a man. Everyone else knows that a couple can live happily ever after, if they work on relationships on a daily basis. Otherwise, they will end after the end of love euphoria. So, what are the moments of a joint life that should be treated especially carefully?

10 Secrets of a Happy Family Life

Each family has its own ways to keep the warmth of the relationship for many years, but there are several things that are peculiar to everyone.

  1. Mutual tolerance . Do not think that an ideal married couple can boast of absolute mutual understanding . The views of different people on any problem may not coincide. Therefore do not consider your opinion the only true one, try to listen to what your spouse says. Naturally, he should behave in the same way. Both of you must understand that everyone has virtues for which one can tolerate shortcomings.
  2. Correct prioritization . Disagreements happen in any family, quite often it comes to noisy disputes and scandals. It can not be said that this is an ideal, but there are no relations without such moments. Just need to learn to understand what's important, and what is a perfect trifle. For example, you quarrel over an accidentally broken cup, even if it was given by a relative and was dear to you. Is it not more important now that you are because of a thing that can be bought quite loudly by shouting at your loved one with whom you plan to spend a significant part of your life?
  3. Learn to compromise . Do you like to be stubborn, insisting on your every little thing? Then it is unlikely that you will get to build a normal relationship. Give in to your husband, and he will give you one more time. Do not consider compromise a defeat or a manifestation of your weakness, because then you will save the world in your family.
  4. While talking, listen . Often we, by making a claim to another person, do not hear his arguments at all. Learn to listen and hear your interlocutor and be sure to discuss the problems. By keeping silent, you will not achieve anything, just run the situation until the moment when it will be extremely difficult to resolve it. If you love each other, you will certainly find topics for conversation and a way to tell about important things.
  5. Stay yourself . Family life makes its own adjustments, but this does not mean the need to radically change yourself. Keep your hobbies, try to achieve success in your career, do not throw your life on the altar of the family, because your husband fell in love with you active and curious, so stay for him that.
  6. The total budget . Money often becomes a subject of contention, even in the most amicable family. Try to work out the right attitude to money, you do not need them on your own, but to ensure a normal existence for your family. And they should be earned by someone who is best at it. The main thing is that your budget should be shared and you also need to share it. Do not forget about the need to spend some amount on entertainment to yourself and your husband, if you do not have the opportunity to relax and allow it to another, the idea of ​​a common budget will no longer seem successful.
  7. Rest . Some couples like to go on vacation together, they like to look at new cities and countries, meet new people. But this does not bind them to each other in everyday life. You both have friends, let him go to your own, and go to a meeting with your friends. Do not drag him everywhere behind him, and prevent her husband from sitting down, you and one another need to rest.
  8. Buy tablets from the head! Having sex with a loved one - what can be happier? Then why so often abandon it? Numerous excuses will not lead to anything good, a loving man can wait for you for a long time, but sooner or later he will get tired of it. And run from routine in bed, do not be afraid to experiment.
  9. Best friends . Family relations should have in their not only a sexual attraction, but also friendship . Learn to share your experiences and listen to your spouse. And if you decide to make a comment to your husband, then speak softly, without intrusive reproaches and insults.
  10. Make plans for a life together . In order for your life to develop, it's worth thinking about why you are doing all this. You need to know where you want to live, how many children you want and when you plan them.

By and large, family happiness consists of the ability to talk with her husband, a lot of patience for his imperfections and a desire to correct his own.