How to teach a man for his inattention?

Each of us wants to be loved, to be cared for, cherished by her, and sometimes worshiped. But not always fate gives what you want. When the second half stops enjoying you with morning kisses, romantic surprises, thoughts begin to ripen in your head about how to teach a beloved man for neglect. I want to make it so that he understands how to deprive you of that which is so vital, that it inspires you to wake up with a smile, to hurry home as quickly as possible, knowing what he is waiting for, the only one and the long-awaited one.

The main secrets, how to teach a lesson to my husband for neglecting

First and foremost, it is important to forget about such allegedly tricks, such as "Sex for today is canceled, tk. I have a headache". Moreover, you need to stop taking offense at the faithful, huddled in a corner and wiping away tears. They say that the words are more eloquent than any words.

So, discarding the theory, you should immediately go to practice: for neglecting the guy can only be taught as he did with his lover. For example, he accidentally forgot about the anniversary, the armor of the table in the restaurant and that this morning the details of the romantic evening were discussed. Here, only one thing is relevant: to put on a stunning outfit and go to have fun with friends. And no, no one forgot about his beloved. In the middle of the banquet, he can call and tell with a smile that dinner did not have time to cook, because you can do with one "Mivina".

Inattention of a man to a woman is a very bad mistake, which can play a cruel joke with him in the future. Does he think that maternity leave is a 24-hour television show? Then it is very appropriate to quite accidentally make an appointment for the entire day with a beautician, leaving your father and child alone.

No less awful act on his part - he forgot about her birthday. Well, then quite by accident she forgets about his birthday, the birthday of his relatives and mother.

One of the most light and minor ways of such vengeance for negligence is to distract yourself from thinking about it. The main thing is not to pretend that you do not care for him, but really enroll in some courses, visit with friends all sorts of master classes, go to the movies, etc.

If we are talking about a man's inattention to family responsibilities, then, for example, one should not "take out a brain" on the occasion that did not take out the garbage and is not worth it, boiling with anger, snatching the package and flying to the street. Let the faithful himself feel the stench from the week's rubbish in the trash can.