The closest person

"Human needs human". Every day we come across a huge number of different people. Age, nature, point of view, appearance, physique, manners - everything is different, there are similar, but the same is simply not there! We get acquainted and communicate, we are friends and we quarrel. Many of us are interested, but how can you find your own, your own and your close ones? It happens that we find a person, we get used to it so much that we simply can not imagine our life without it. But then, over time, unfortunately, it happens to part with it. And then, for reasons that we do not understand, we try hard, but uselessly, to find in the guise of someone else's identity something native that the "that" person left behind in memory ... After a certain period of time we will accidentally meet with the one who was previously "his", and not recognize him ... It's sad.

Fortunately, much more often, we do not lose loved ones, because we cherish them! Two native souls do not want to lose each other, and this reciprocity is very strong, and the power of the relationship is very powerful.

How does it happen that a close person is near?

Physics proves that opposites are attracted. But in order to build any relationship, it is necessary to have something in common, something that would unite interests. It is also obvious that too similar, almost identical people, will not be able to tolerate each other for long. Think, would you get along with the same as you? It is unlikely. Because in each of us is absolutely different percentage content of a particular character trait. That's why it is customary to put a silent and talking place next to the table so that there is no collision and boredom! When the most opposite people meet, they seem to complement each other. What the first person lacked in life is abundant in the second, and vice versa. At first, it may be difficult to find compromises, because opinions and opinions can differ greatly. But if you make an effort and try to understand and hear your loved one, this tandem will soon become the most successful, and the couple is doomed to happiness! After such unification, they in life will need each other. Maybe that's why often a man or a woman looks for similar to their former: either appearance or character.

The closest person is not necessarily the opposite sex. It can be mom or dad, brother or sister. Since these people live with us, then, if we are not closed, they know us like no other. Moreover, in such people one blood flows. Family is the most precious thing that we have, the most valuable thing that we need to protect! We must be grateful to our parents that they raised us.

Strangely enough, the closest people can not be related at all. Just kindred souls met, and understanding in relationships reigns, as with no one else. Such an example we often see in male friendship, when a real brother is considered a friend.

And in no case can not make a choice between loved ones. Try to give time to everyone! It's not right, to choose between mom and girlfriend, boyfriend and friend. If you start to put such conditions - remember that a person to whom you are really expensive, will not go for it.

And when the closest person is near, we feel carefree and calm, we do not need anyone else ... and it's wonderful!

What makes people close?

No one can give an unambiguous answer to this question. After all, everyone has their own cases and stories. But absolutely all relations are built on one soil. Mutual understanding, respect, care and gratitude is the first obligatory step for the closest people to be near!

It is very important to be able to understand and forgive. One should be attentive to people who are dear to the heart, never offend them. Close people feel each other, so do not let doubts! Take care of the relationship!