Many girls are waiting for this day with great impatience. For many, getting to know the guy's parents is almost the most important thing in a relationship. After all, if your lover decided to take such a step, it shows that your relationship has reached maturity. That is, know that he has serious plans for you.
Let's look at these complex issues together: how exactly should the first acquaintance with the guy's parents take place, how the girl needs to behave, etc. The most important thing now is to make a good first impression on his parents. And, as you know, the first impression is the key to your future success.
Acquaintance with the guy's parents - the main tips
1. Remember that most of your efforts should be directed to the charm of his beloved mother. Undoubtedly, the main father in the family. But in many cases, his opinion about the future daughter-in-law is based on his wife's impression of her.
Discard the idea that parents should be gifted with a souvenir. If the mother of your loved one is a type of especially vigilant people, then in such a gift she will see nothing but frank bribery on your part. As a result of this, she, during the whole meeting, will begin to seek out in you those shortcomings, which, in her opinion, you tried to close with a gift.
2. The second reason why you should not give anything to his parents is that you can simply not please their taste preferences. And, in the end, you will be accused of either lack of taste, or of trying to flash with your money.
Gifts are best given when you are close to his family and will be able to easily identify those gifts that will immediately come to their liking.
3. As soon as you enter his parental home, a smile from your lips will not instantly disappear. Even if they meet with unexpected coldness for you, try to be friendly. More often remember that your smile helped you to charm your lover on your first date. It is not excluded, in the case of the first visit to his parents, that a smile will help to hide the embarrassment from his mother's gaze.
4. Acquaintance of the girl with the parents of the guy, most likely, that will not do without a feast. Do not bend the stick with the use of glasses of wine. Do not forget to motherly look after the table for your lover. Thus, you will give
5. When answering questions about your plans for life, try to give such answers, which would be a fine thread associated with the interests of a loved one.
6. If you are asked about your family, no matter what, describe it as if it were the best in the world.
The most important thing to remember is that when you are going to such an important meeting, take with you naturalness, forgetting pride and rudeness at home, and then the successful completion of acquaintance is guaranteed to you.