Food allergy in infants

The appearance of food allergies in infants is becoming more frequent. And it is connected not only with the influence of environmental factors and the quality of food, but also with the condition of the baby's body. It is known that the complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth subsequently leads to a decrease in the activity of the immune system. As a result, the child's organism reacts inadequately to various factors, which causes allergic manifestations.


In addition to predisposing factors, the manifestations of food allergies in infants can cause overfeeding and the use of such products as:

It is worth considering not only the choice of complementary foods for the baby, but also to adjust the ration of the nursing mother. Since often the errors in its nutrition cause characteristic symptoms in the baby. Moreover, even if a woman abused food-allergens during pregnancy, the probability of developing signs of food allergy in the baby is quite high. Important hereditary predisposition and harmful habits of a woman during pregnancy.

Main manifestations

Symptoms of food allergies in infants are very diverse. For convenience, they can be divided into three groups.

  1. Lesions of the skin - rashes, hyperemia, severe itching and flaking. Apprehensions appear, as well as gneiss on the scalp.
  2. Manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea or constipation, frequent regurgitation, vomiting, abdominal pain and flatulence.
  3. Rarely symptoms appear on the part of the respiratory system due to swelling of the mucous membrane (runny nose, hoarseness, cough due to spasm of the bronchi). In severe cases, there is edema of the larynx until the development of suffocation.

In the future, the above signs may "develop" into atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases.

Therapeutic tactics

Now let's look at how to treat food allergies in infants and how to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. To date, effective in several ways: exposure to the allergen from the body, preventing contact with it and symptomatic therapy.

Since the introduction of complementary foods, a woman needs to keep a diary of a child's nutrition. It records: what the baby was eating, and whether there were any pathological changes in the condition for new food. Thus, you can immediately calculate the "enemy", preventing serious reactions of the body.

The main principle of treatment of food allergies in infants is to eliminate the effect of the allergen and proper nutrition. That is, simply not include in the diet an intolerable product. As a rule, after this, the main symptoms gradually disappear. They resume only after repeated contact with the allergen. And here we remember another important area: we need will take care of strengthening the baby's body and restoring the intestinal microflora. It is known that allergies often accompany dysbacteriosis. Various probiotics, which colonize the digestive tract with useful bacteria, are helpful. Also, course treatment with enterosorbents is effective. During the manifestation of symptoms, they are involved in eliminating the allergen from the body.

Of drugs whose effect is directed directly at eliminating symptoms, antihistamines are used in the form of ointments, syrups, suppositories, tablets and injectable solutions. The most common are Suprastin, Tavegil , Dimedrol, Claritin, Fenkarol and others.