Do I have to give water to the newborn?

Actual for women who barely had time to try on themselves the title of mother, is the question of the need to dopaivaniya newborn. Councils of grandmothers and pediatricians are increasingly divergent and therefore we decided to understand this issue. So, when deciding whether it is possible to give a newborn baby water, it is necessary to start from the type of its feeding.

Water for Infants in Breastfeeding

Pediatricians are convinced that the baby's nutrition in the first months of life excludes water from his diet. The reason for this is in the breast milk itself. On 85-90% it consists of water, everything else is microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. It is the large amount of water in the milk that satisfies the child's drinking needs.

Grandmothers, like many mothers, are convinced that the newborn needs to quench thirst, especially in hot weather. But the organism of the baby is arranged differently than in the adult and in the first months of life the water is capable of deceiving by causing a sense of satiety. Since the water does not carry the nutrients in itself, it only "takes" the same amount of milk that the child could drink.

For the mother, the introduction of water before the child began to receive lure, is fraught with a decrease in the production of breast milk. Receiving water instead of it, the baby does not suck the milk from the chest. If the remainder is not decanted, then gradually it will be produced less and less.

It is recommended that a newborn is given water when breastfeeding only in cases when it has diarrhea or fever. You can also introduce water into the infant's diet with fennel or dill if it has colic.

About that, when it is possible to give water to the healthy newborn feeding on milk of mum, it is necessary to judge to parents. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet of a baby who does not have problems with digestion, along with the lure. If the child refuses, then do not worry. Some children do not immediately perceive water and can start drinking it only after another couple of months.

Water for artificial and mixed feeding

Newborns who are on artificial feeding, with food receive a large amount of protein, so they need water from the first day of life. When calculating nutrition in this case, water is not counted in the total volume of food. Children are allowed to drink water and with a mixed type of feeding.

What kind of water should be given to a newborn?

At usual dopaivanii it is necessary to give the special restored water for newborns which is on sale in drugstores. On the bottle itself, you must specify the age of the baby, from which you can drink it. If there is no possibility to buy bottled water, you can give filtered or usual tap, but necessarily boiled.

If the newborn suffers colic, then instead of the usual water, you can give him water with a decoction of fennel or fennel. It will help the children to escape the gazikas.

When should water be given to a newborn?

A child who is breastfed should be given water only after applying to the breast. To water the newborn before feeding is not necessary, as the volume of the stomach in a newborn is small - up to 250 ml. After drinking water, the child does not get the same amount of milk.

To judge how much water the newborn should drink follows the parents themselves. Normally, a child does not drink more than 200 ml of water per day for up to six months. If the child is sick, pediatricians recommend giving him water, based on a calculation of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. The child can not drink all the water, you do not need to force it.

Children fed on artificial feeding are given water in breaks between feedings if the infant shows signs of anxiety.