Pancakes with minced meat

The pancakes received their name from the old Russian "mlyn" - "grind", as they were held in high esteem on peasant tables from the beginning of the IX century. Later, of course, a delicate and satisfying snack came to the royal feasts, however, in order to give the simple dish a noble breed it was supplemented with all kinds of fillings: caviar, fish, jam, honey, but pancakes with minced meat, and I would like to pay special attention.

How to make pancakes with meat?

The main part of the stuffed pancake is, of course, the pancake itself, so before starting the cooking you need to understand first of all with this component of the dish. So, a good Russian pancake is famous for its delicate, loose consistency and delicate surface. The liquid pancake dough is usually fried in a hotly heated frying pan without oil (or with a small amount), so the dough "boils" immediately after being caught in a pan, and the formed air bubbles break through the surface of the pancake and it turns out to be delicate. Good pancakes are fried instantly, and the fact that the pancake needs to be turned around will let you know the swelling that appears on its surface.

You can cook pancakes for any recipe, but if you do not have one, use the following.



First of all, sugar and salt are beaten with eggs, then we pour in a thin trickle of milk, without ceasing to whip the future dough. When the milk-egg mixture has become homogeneous-the time to fill up the sifted flour, do this by portioning, stirring intensively, to avoid the formation of lumps. When the dough is ready, it should be poured a little vegetable oil to avoid burning during frying.

Pancakes can be cooked both on milk and on water, and for the preparation of pancakes with meat or other savory stuffing, the amount of sugar can be reduced by half.

Pancakes with chicken meat - recipe


For filling:


Before you prepare pancakes with minced meat, prepare the dough according to the above recipe and fry the pancakes themselves.

For filling with butter, we make a passage from shallow onion and garlic, add chicken minced and fry until ready with salt and pepper. When the stuffing is ready, fall asleep chopped onions, parsley and cheese, mix well and wrap the filling in pancakes with a envelope.

Pancakes with rice and minced meat


For filling:


Fry pancakes.

In butter, we make a passage from onions, add ground beef and fry with spices. Rice cook until ready (the ratio of cereals and water 1: 2). Ready cereal mixed with minced meat and fill it with soy sauce. We wrap the filling in a pancake and fry it in vegetable oil from two sides to a crisp crust.

Potato pancakes with meat

Potato pancakes or pancakes, are prepared not on the usual pancake basis, but on the basis of grated potatoes with eggs.


For the test:

For filling:


Potatoes are cleaned, washed, grated on a fine grater and mixed with the rest of the ingredients for the dough. In a separate bowl we prepare ground beef, flavoring it with spices, sliced ​​onions and breaded.

On the heated frying pan with vegetable oil, lay a tablespoon of potato base waiting for it to grasp, and put over ½ teaspoon of ground meat, after covering it with another layer of dough. Fry the potato pancake for 2 minutes on each side and serve it on the table, decorating with greens. Bon Appetit!