Salad with chips

Chips, of course, are delicious in and of themselves. But they can also be included in the composition of no less delicious dishes. How to prepare salads with chips, we'll tell you now.

"Chamomile" salad with chips



Chicken meat (fillets or meat from ham) is cut into small pieces. Eggs and cheese three on a grater separately. Marinated mushrooms cut into plates. Collect the salad, laying the products in layers. Chicken meat, pickled mushrooms, grated eggs and cheese. Do not forget to apply a brush of mayonnaise on each layer. The top layer will be corn - this is the core of our chamomile. And round up the chips. To make the salad look brighter, around the corn along the edge you can lay the shredded greens.

Salad with chicken and chips



Chicken meat is separated from the skin and bones. Then cut it into small pieces. Grind the onion. Spray it lightly with vinegar to remove unwanted bitterness. On a grater three boiled eggs. Carrots boil, and then grind in the same way. We begin to form the salad, laying out the ingredients in layers: smoked chicken, chopped onions, grated eggs, carrots, grated apple, grated cheese. Each layer, including the upper one, is lubricated with mayonnaise. And before serving, lay out the crushed chips on the salad.

Crab salad with chips - recipe



The onion is shredded by semirings. Crab sticks and eggs are crushed in cubes. In a deep bowl we pour out the chips, add the prepared crushed products, as well as corn. Add the mayonnaise and mix well the salad with crab chips.

Salad with potato chips "Sunflower" - recipe



To prepare a salad with potato chips, chop boiled chicken fillets into small cubes. Eggs on a grater, separately yolks and squirrels. Onions cut into cubes, mushrooms - plates and fry them together in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cheese three on a small or medium grater. Walnuts are crushed. We spread the salad in a deep round salad bowl with layers: chicken, mushrooms with onions, walnuts, egg whites, cheese and yolks. All the layers, except for mushrooms with onions abundantly missed with mayonnaise. The top of the salad is decorated with olives, cut in half. And round up the chips.

Salad "Kaleidoscope" - recipe with chips



Peeled sweet pepper shred straw. Smoked sausage, eggs, cucumbers and tomatoes separately cut into cubes. Now take a flat large dish, conditionally divide it into 6 sectors and in each of them lay out a slide for 1 type of ingredients. Stir them do not need. And put chips in the center. We decorate the salad with mayonnaise and chopped green onions.