Deforming arthrosis of the hands - treatment

Diseases of the joints - the problems that sooner or later you have to face each. How sad it was to say. Of course, avoiding the treatment of deforming arthrosis of the hands is much easier. But this is not possible for everyone. As a rule, the ailment catches up suddenly. In addition, because of a weakly expressed symptomatology, fighting with it very often begins with a big delay.

Principles of treatment of deforming arthrosis of hands

The disease develops against the background of exhaustion or complete destruction of cartilage and articular tissues located in the hand. This can occur because of insufficient blood supply of this part of the body. The main causes of deforming arthrosis brushes are the following:

Recognize the deforming arthrosis interphalangeal joints of the hands can be for such symptoms:

The most effective treatment is complex treatment of deforming arthrosis of hands:

  1. Puffiness and soreness eliminates non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, ointments, injections.
  2. Drugs-chondroprotectors are prescribed for the enrichment of joints with nutrients. This greatly accelerates the healing process.
  3. It is very important for deforming arthrosis of the hands to reduce the load on the brush. Physiotherapeutic procedures, massages will also be useful. Some exercises can even be done independently. So, for example, light strokes effectively disperse blood in the hand.

Treatment of deforming arthrosis of hands by folk remedies

Exclusively on alternative methods of treatment should not be relied upon. But as an additional therapy to apply them recommend even professionals:

  1. If the small joint is struck, you can do a tub of hay. To prepare them, a small amount of hay should be poured with boiling water. Soar your hand in water of acceptable temperature. Replace the hay if necessary, you can alternate, mother-and-stepmother, a belligerent.
  2. Compress of salt with honey is very useful. The components are mixed in equal amounts. After applying a sore spot wrapped in cellophane and something warm.
  3. For compresses, you can also use any kind of clay.