Coxsackie virus in adults

In the family of RNA-containing enteroviruses there is a large group of microorganisms called Coxsackie viruses. Specialists know 30 of their serotypes, which belong to the 2 nd species - A and B.

This disease is more susceptible to children, since the emerging immune system does not yet sufficiently protect the body. Very rare Coxsackie virus in adults, but it is much worse than at an early age. In the presence of chronic pathologies, enterovirus can even provoke some complications that are life-threatening.

Symptoms of the Coxsackie virus in adults

Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on its type.

If there is an infection with the Coxsackie virus type A, and the immune system is OK, the infection is often asymptomatic. Sometimes the following symptoms are observed:

This disease quickly passes without specific treatment. Literally in 3-6 days the condition of the infected person comes to norm.

Complications are more likely when infected with Type B of the microorganism in question. In this situation, the symptomatology has a pronounced character:

After infection with the Coxsackie type B virus, an adult has vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, and other dyspeptic disorders. These clinical manifestations are explained by the fact that pathological cells begin to multiply and progress precisely in the intestine, spreading from there throughout the body.

Treatment of the causes and symptoms of the Coxsackie virus in adults

When infection was diagnosed in the first 72 hours, it makes sense to take strong antiviral drugs:

If the disease continues for more than 3 days, only symptomatic therapy is needed:

  1. Compliance with bed rest. It is advisable to sleep at least 10 hours a day, exclude any physical and mental stress, take a sick leave sheet at work.
  2. Warm drink. Reduce the severity of intoxication of the body, as well as replenish the fluid balance and prevent dehydration, can be through frequent intake of teas, fruit drinks, compotes.
  3. Diet. Do not overload the affected digestive tract. During illness it is better to eat light, low-fat food. It is preferable to consume vegetables and fruits in boiled or stewed form.

Specific treatment of rashes in adults with the Coxsackie virus is not, it usually does not cause any concern. In those rare cases when the rashes itch, doctors recommend taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Cetrin, Zodak and the like).

Fighting fever, too, is usually not required. If the thermometer does not rise above 38.5, the body should be allowed to fight the infection on its own. Strong heat is allowed to be knocked down with anti-inflammatory drugs with antipyretic effect, for example, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

How to treat the consequences of the Coxsackie virus in adults?

Common complications of the described pathology:

Given the severity and the risk of these diseases, you should not try to independently treat them. For treatment it is important to consult a doctor.