Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most mysterious and terrible diseases. Every year, due to cirrhosis of the liver, 2 million people die. This disease is the leader in the number of deaths, not counting cancer. The history of cirrhosis of the liver dates back to the fifteenth century. The first mention of this disease is described in the anatomical works of Leonardo da Vinci.

So what is cirrhosis of the liver, and what are its causes? This disease has a harmful effect on the liver of a person in a short time. In fact, the normal natural structure of the liver is transformed into a knobby scar tissue. These areas of the liver can no longer function properly and interfere with the work of the remaining healthy areas. Thus, substances necessary for the human body do not accumulate and their production is disrupted. At the same time, the body clears from harmful and toxic substances. Since the liver is the main filter of the body, when it works badly in the blood, substances that poison the body enter.

Classification of cirrhosis of the liver is quite wide. The main varieties are the following:

The main causes of the onset and development of liver cirrhosis are hepatitis B and C viruses, as well as alcohol. Science has not established how much alcohol is needed for the manifestation of liver cirrhosis. But most people suffering from this disease were actively drinking. Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is the most common type of cirrhosis. Moreover, women, for the development of the disease, need less alcohol and a shorter period of time. The table lists the most common causes leading to the disease.

Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis is performed using a liver biopsy. In addition, the patient is ultrasound and is recommended to take tests. The doctor conducts a conversation with the patient about alcohol abuse and symptoms of possible cirrhosis of the liver.

The first symptoms of the disease are poorly visible and, as a rule, at this stage a person does not feel the need for treatment. After a while, the first noticeable signs of liver cirrhosis start to appear: pain, bloating, high fatigue and darkening of urine. The most unpleasant symptom for cirrhosis is ascites. Ascites accumulate fluid in the abdominal cavity, which leads to severe pain.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the liver is aimed at maximum prevention of damage to healthy areas of this body. If cirrhosis of the liver has reached late stages of its development, then doctors prescribe a special treatment for the elimination of complications, or the transplantation of this important human organ. In any case, a patient with this disease should only lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not use alcohol and drugs, as well as, anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are numerous folk remedies for the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Infusions on herbs, lemon and garlic treatment are proven methods that are widespread. To achieve a better effect, these drugs can be combined with prescriptions of traditional medicine. Many cirrhosis sufferers resort to folk remedies, when doctors are already making disappointing predictions about the development of liver cirrhosis.

Particular attention should be paid to diet in cirrhosis. It is necessary to eat only high-quality and healthy foods, in sufficient quantities to consume vitamins and minerals. Remember that a healthy diet is one of the right steps to recovery.