Allergy - psychosomatics

To the phenomenon of allergic reactions for a long time have got used also those who should suffer from them personally, and those who only watches torments of others from. Ask the patient what he's allergic to, and he will with confidence almost 100% call you a specific stimulus. But sometimes the allergy has a psychosomatic origin. About this after several hundred experiments say psychologists. It turns out that in some cases, the reasons for the ambiguous reaction of the immune system may be experiencing or stress.

Psychosomatic origin of allergies on hands and body

Allergy is the body's response to the effect of an irritating factor. Once the stimulus "encounters" the immune agents, a reaction begins. Studying the nature of this phenomenon, scientists introduced different experimental patients into a state of trance by hypnosis and sent to a meeting with the "enemy" - pollen, animal hair, food and other. Imagine the surprise when in none of the cases the reaction began. You might think that the experts were witnessing recovery. But the subsequent contact of allergic people with irritants in a conscious state resulted in the appearance of traditional symptoms.

Doctors believe that the psychosomatic causes of allergies can be:

Speaking more simply, psychosomatic allergy is a kind of response of the body to the dissatisfaction of a person with his own life, the state of things in it. After all, unloved work, communication with people unsuitable for the spirit, distance from their own goals, non-fulfillment of desires, too, can be considered irritants.

A typical potential victim of a psychosomatic allergy on the skin and face looks constantly worried. A person is very much worried about what others think about him. And if suddenly in his direction some offensive word is addressed, he can even fall into a state of depression. Skew looks most of these people perceive is also very painful. Another characteristic feature is suspiciousness.

Psychosomatic allergy to cats

Psychological causes of allergies to animal hair in general and cats in particular can be different. Often the blame of unpleasant and painful memories of contact with a cat from childhood. Someone does not want to repeat the parting with your pet. And someone, for example, is scared to remember the animal because of the injuries.

It is possible that an allergic reaction can begin and because a person realizes how free the cat is, and how far from that state he is.

Psychosomatics of allergies to pollens ragweed

Quite often this reaction is caused by sexual disorders. Pollen symbolizes fertilization, conception, the emergence of a new life. The rejection of this stimulus occurs at a subconscious level.

Some experts associate allergy to ragweed with fear of change. After all, pollen can be seen as a symbol of change, the beginning of something new. And indecisive people or conservatives may well react negatively to it.

Psychosomatics of food allergies

Food psychosomatic allergy is triggered by the patient's memories of how he was plump in childhood, uncomfortable because of this felt and constantly subjected to causticism and ridicule by peers.