First aid for burns

The course of further treatment of burn injuries, and sometimes even the life of a person depends on how quickly and skillfully he received first aid.

First aid for burns

It is worthwhile to seek medical help for burns of different origin if:

Medical workers, after assessing the degree of burn, will render first aid on the spot and, most likely, recommend hospitalization. But what if the ambulance was delayed? First aid for victims of burns:

  1. Remove sources of burns. If it's burning clothes, put out the fire with water or foam. If the burn is caused by contact with chemicals, remove any corrosive residues from the skin. It is important to remember that you can not wash off any quick lime with water, as well as organic aluminum compounds, because they ignite under the influence of water. Such substances should be neutralized first or removed with a dry cloth.
  2. Cool under a cool cool water spot of the burn. The optimal cooling time is 15-20 minutes. If more than 20% of body parts are affected, wrap the victim in a clean, soaked in cool water, sheet.
  3. Protect the burn wound from infection by washing with a solution of furacilin.
  4. Apply a light sterile gauze bandage. Do not squeeze the burn.
  5. If the extremities are burned, it is necessary to fix the burn spots, carefully applying the tires.
  6. Give the patient any analgesic or antipyretic. They will prevent the development of pain shock and a sharp rise in temperature.

Blisters with burns should be treated very carefully. The first aid does not provide for the violation of the integrity of the blisters. Their opening and removal of fluid is carried out in the hospital.

First aid for eye burns

Often a burn of the eyes and eyelids is associated with a burn of the face. But sometimes eye burns can be provoked by the drip of active chemicals or sparks.

In case of thermal eye burn, you need:

  1. Urgently isolate the patient from bright light.
  2. Bury the eyes with a 0.5% solution of dicain, lidocaine or novocaine.
  3. Carry out an internal analgesia (taking an analgesic).
  4. Bury the eyes with 30% solution of sulfacyl-sodium or 2% solution of levomycetin.
  5. Immediately go to the hospital.

If the chemical burn:

  1. Dry cotton wool removes the residue of an aggressive substance.
  2. With a soft cotton swab densely moistened in a solution of baking soda, the eyes are washed for 20-25 minutes.

Then you need to act in the same way as in a thermal burn.

First aid for face burns

In cases of burns, a medical intervention is necessary. Before arrival of an ambulance you should:

  1. Cool the burned area.
  2. Treat the burn with a solution of furacilin.
  3. Take an anesthetic.

First aid for a finger burn

A 1st and 2nd degree finger burn does not require hospitalization. In such cases, first aid should be given for light burns:

  1. 15-20 min. hold the burned place under running cool water.
  2. Rinse affected skin with a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. Apply a free sterile gauze bandage.

As a first aid for severe burns of the finger, cooling is carried out by wrapping the affected part of the finger with a sterile cool wet cloth. Next, you need to see a doctor.

First aid for burns in children. Despite the relative ease of finger burns, young children are very critical of such injuries. In the first place, this is due to pain in the lesion and skin features of the child, for example, such as allergic reactions. Therefore, the most important point in treating a child's burn is proper antiseptic treatment.

Burning hands - first aid

Burning hands of any degree requires medical attention, since the area of ​​the injury can constitute a rather large percentage of the area of ​​the body. In such cases, the symptoms of pain shock may develop. Therefore, immediately, you should give the patient any analgesic. Cool the burned area with cool water for 20 minutes. In case of chemical burn, rinse need to spend 40 minutes.

First aid for burns of the esophagus

In case of ingestion of aggressive chemicals, a burn of the esophagus and larynx may occur. The first thing that a victim can do is to take a large amount of water or milk to reduce the concentration of a chemical. After this intake of the washing liquid, most likely, vomiting occurs. Thus, the primary lavage of the esophagus and stomach occurs. Then urgently need to go to the hospital. Anesthetics in the case of such a burn are administered intravenously. Also, an urgent wash with a probe is carried out.