Sorbents for cleaning the body

Recently, sorbents have been gaining popularity for cleaning the body. What are these medicines and how to use them correctly? The main function of such drugs is that they absorb the contents of the intestine and stomach and remove harmful substances from the body.

The main types of sorbents for the purification of the body

Since most sorbents possess high absorbent properties, it is most effective to use them in poisoning . It is about alcohol intoxication, the products of the vital activity of bacteria and chemicals. In all these cases, it is advisable to rinse the stomach in an emergency order and immediately take the sorbent. Which preparation to choose? There are several types:

The most popular sorbent, activated carbon, belongs to the carbon group. Let's take a closer look at cleaning the body of coal.

Purification of the body with activated carbon

First of all, it should be noted that it is impossible to lose weight with activated charcoal, it can not absorb fat, sugar, carbohydrates and other high-calorie substances. But vitamins and minerals are excreted from the body by cheers. Therefore, in order to carry out purification with the help of this sorbent, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  1. Use coal only if symptoms of poisoning have appeared;
  2. Drink 5-10 tablets of coal, depending on body weight, with a small amount of water immediately, and also using 0.5 liters of fluid 40 minutes after taking the drug.
  3. Do not consume coal if you are taking medication, since the sorbent will reduce their effect to zero.
  4. Do not consume coal while eating.

It is possible to take a course of cleansing the body with the help of activated charcoal for prevention purposes, but a doctor should prescribe the dosage and time of taking the sorbent. With the help of coal, you can cope with cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Pectin sorbents for the purification of the body

Pectin - a natural substance that in the human intestine acquires a gel-like structure, like a sponge absorbs harmful substances and removes them from the body in a natural way. Unlike carbon sorbents, pectin does not cause constipation, but, on the contrary, improves intestinal motility. A pleasant news for you will be the fact that not all pectin sorbents need to be taken in tablets. It is possible to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, eating a day for 2-3 small apples. Also a lot of pectin in peaches, strawberries, beets.

The best sorbents for cleansing the body are natural

If it is a question of cleaning the body of toxins, feces, toxins and antihistamine procedures, natural sorbents will be the best choice. These are already mentioned apples, celery, beets, raw cabbage and carrots, wheat and oat bran, buckwheat and pearl barley. These foods contain a lot of coarse fiber and act like a brush for the intestines, clearing it of clusters of various origins. This is an excellent prevention of many diseases! During the purification of the body with natural sorbents should be abandoned:

Within a week of such nutrition, you will feel incredible lightness in the body and a surge of energy. Pep of spirit and clarity of consciousness are the first signs that purification has been successful.

In the event that you have acute poisoning, you need to resort to the help of a pharmacological sorbent, such drugs as: