Forms for nail extensions

You can extend the free edge of the nail plate with tips or special forms. In the first case, a piece of plastic must be glued to the horny surface and attached to it the necessary contours, as well as carefully blotting the boundaries with the contact zone. Forms for nail extension allow using a ready-made template to create a smooth and inconspicuous transition at once.

What are the forms for nail extensions?

Classification of the described devices is carried out according to the 2 parameters - material of manufacture and method of attachment. In the first group there are disposable (soft) and reusable (solid) forms for nail extensions. They, in turn, are also divided into several types.

Disposable accessories can be made from such materials:

Reusable forms are made of metal or Teflon, plastic is rarely used, it is too difficult to disinfect. Specialists in manicure prefer disposable devices, as they allow you to perfectly match the ready-made patterns for any form of nail plates, create ideal contours for each client.

There are also lower (standard) and upper forms for nail extensions.

The first specified type is a substrate on which the working material is laid out. The disadvantage of such devices is the need for filing, polishing and polishing the surface after the build-up.

The upper forms resemble tips with a grading scale. Their use makes it possible to get a completely flat and shiny surface that does not need any further development.

How to use different forms for nail extensions?

From the fixing of the form depends the accuracy of the procedure and the aesthetics of the appearance of the newly developed nails. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly wear them.

Disposable devices are preliminarily compressed, acquiring oval outlines. In this state, the forms are put on the fingers so that the natural nails are within a special hole, and the template is their continuation. With the help of "ears" the side rollers of the finger are most closely covered, this will prevent the excess material from leaking onto the skin. If necessary, the accessory can be pruned with scissors, adjusting it to the desired contours.

To build up with reusable forms the material is laid out on the inside of the template. First, it is attached to the natural nail and tightly pressed, after which the elongation of the free edge is performed. After the material has dried, the mold is neatly and easily removed from the top.

How to replace the form for nail extensions?

If you urgently need to build up the procedure, and there are no special templates and you will not be able to buy them, you can use a dense and smooth foil. It is desirable to pre-cut preforms that are similar to disposable forms. It is not recommended to try to replace the devices with paper, cellophane or oilcloth.