Laminaria for wrapping

One of the most popular procedures for thalassotherapy is wraps based on brown seaweed - kelp. Than algae kelp for wrapping are useful, and how this procedure is carried out, we will consider further.

Benefits of kelp in cosmetology

Laminaria has a rich biochemical composition, in which, it can be said, the entire energy of the sea is concentrated. The main components of kelp:

Seaweed is an effective remedy for problems associated with overweight, cellulite in the middle stage, swelling and aging of the skin.

Laminaria wraps have the following effect:

Types of wraps with laminaria

There are two types of algal wraps: hot and cold.

Cold wraps provide removal of puffiness, improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid, relieve the feeling of fatigue.

Hot wraps are indispensable for correcting the figure and getting rid of cellulite. These procedures contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, activation of blood circulation and the breakdown of fats.

Recipes of wraps with laminaria at home

For the wrapping procedure, dried kelp is used - in the form of powder or leaf.

Hot wrapping

  1. 50 g of laminaria powder, pour water, heated to a temperature of 80 ° C, stir, insist for about half an hour, and then heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38 - 39 ° C.
  2. Necessary number of sheets of kelp should be poured with water (80 ° C) at the rate of 100 g of algae per 1 liter of water, insist for about half an hour.
  3. Blend or whole swollen sheets on problem areas, wrap with polyethylene and cover with a warm blanket, after 30-40 minutes wash off with warm water.

Cold wrapping

  1. 50 g of kelp powder pour water at room temperature, stir, insist 1,5 - 3 hours.
  2. Laminaria sheets pour water of room temperature at the rate of 100 g per liter of water, insist 1,5 - 3 hours.
  3. The procedure is the same as with a hot wrap, only to insulate the blanket is not necessary.

Wraps with whole body laminaria can be performed no more often than once a week to prevent over-saturation of the body with iodine. In a year it is recommended to carry out 16 - 18 procedures. Local wraps can be done every 3 to 4 days, and the number of procedures - individually, depending on the problems.