Sinusitis - the symptoms of all kinds of disease, the first signs

Sinusitis, the symptoms of which may be implicit and perceived as manifestations of other, less serious, diseases, can in a short time cause insidious complications. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish pathology from a simple rhinitis and respond in time to painful manifestations.

What is sinusitis and how dangerous is it?

To thoroughly understand the question of what is genyantritis, let us turn to anatomy and physiology and consider briefly the structure of the inner part of the nose and nearby structures connected with it. The nasal cavity, located between the oral cavity, the eye sockets and the anterior cranial fossa, is the beginning of the respiratory tract. It communicates with the environment through the nostrils and through the choana - with the pharynx, lined with a mucous membrane and divided by a septum into two halves.

The main functions of the nose are: warming and moistening the air with inspiration, protection from pathogens, voice formation and others. Normal functioning of this organ is impossible without the help of the departments connected with it - the paranasal (accessory) sinuses located in the bones of the facial part of the skull. Another of their names is sinuses. Sinuses are peculiar air caves, also lined with mucous tissues, which connect with nasal passages through small anastomoses. In total there are 4 sinuses - 3 paired and 1 unpaired.

The largest sinuses are on either side of the nose in the upper jaw and are called maxillary sinuses. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, which is a particular case of sinusitis (inflammation of the sinus), is called a sinusitis. At the same time as a result of puffiness, the lumen of the anastomosis decreases and occlusion of the sinus cavity occurs, its ventilation and purification is disturbed, which favors the development of pathogenic microflora.

Inflammatory processes in this area are dangerous because of the proximity to such important organs as the brain and eyes. In addition, an infection with a current of blood and lymph can be carried to distant organs. And if the pathology is started, it is possible to destroy the bone walls of the sinuses, which has catastrophic consequences. The common complications of sinusitis, the symptoms of which are detected too late, are:

What kinds of genyantritis are?

Depending on the prevalence of the process, the nature of its course and causative factors, distinguish such major types of sinusitis:

Catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis

Single or bilateral catarrhal sinusitis is often the initial stage of inflammation of the mucosa, in which it swells and produces an excessive amount of transparent mucoid-serous exudate. Due to complete or partial blockage of the excretory duct, the discharge does not flow into the nasal cavity, but accumulates, provoking an increase in the pressure in the sinuses.

Purulent sinusitis

The purulent form develops due to an untreated or neglected catarrhal inflammation. In the mucus accumulating in the sinus, pathogenic bacteria begin to develop, in response to which the immune system activates the production of leukocytes entering the focus of infection to fight it. A consequence of this is the formation of pus in the maxillary sinus. Especially dangerous is bilateral purulent maxillary sinusitis.

Cystic-polyposis sinusitis

Such forms of the disease with abnormal growth of tissues in the sinus, like cystic or polyposis sinusitis, often become a continuation of chronic inflammatory processes. The localization of the lesion in most cases is one-sided. Polyps and cysts, which are benign growths, can grow for years, filling the whole space of the sinus, blocking the anastomosis and making breathing difficult.

Sinusitis - causes

We list the main causes of sinusitis:

In most cases, inflammation of the sinus sinuses develops against the background of acute respiratory infections of a viral origin, in which the mucosa of the nasal cavity is affected. According to statistics, every tenth ARVI is complicated by sinusitis. With improper treatment, weakening of immune reactions, the activated bacterial, weighting course of the disease joins the viral flora.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

Symptoms of sinusitis depend on the form of the disease. If acute sinusitis develops, its symptoms are more pronounced, developing soon after the provoking factor (trauma, infection with the virus). Chronic sinusitis symptoms often have a soft, fuzzy, but present for a long time. Chronic form is similar in clinical manifestations with acute at the stage of exacerbation, which develops during hypothermia, the effect of irritants on the respiratory tract, and so on.

The first symptoms of maxillary sinusitis

The initial signs of sinusitis, the symptoms can be seen already on the second-third day of the disease. These include:

Symptoms of sinusitis, symptoms - where it hurts?

Pain in genyantritis is concentrated in the facial area on one or both sides of the sides of the wings of the nose, under the eyes, where the maxillary sinuses are located. In this zone, there may be a slight swelling, and with pressure, painful sensations increase. In addition, the pain takes a pronounced character when the head is tilted downward, while bending. Sensations are often perceived as pressing, bursting, pulling, pulsing. Many patients complain about a general headache, pain in the area between the eyebrows, in the upper jaw near the molars.

Whether always at a genyantritis temperature?

It is worth knowing that the heat in the genyantritis is not always, so even in the absence of fever, one can not assume that nothing serious is happening. Often an increase in the thermometer marks to 37-38.5 ºC is recorded in acute purulent form of pathology, which indicates an active struggle of the organism with pathogens of infection. In the catarrhal process and in the case of chronic sinusitis, the temperature may remain within normal limits.

Discharge from the nose with genyantritis

Sinusitis, the symptoms of which necessarily include the appearance of discharge from the nose, is classified according to their nature. Depending on the cause and stage of the lesion, the discharge from the nasal cavity may be:

Diagnosis of genyantritis

Since the genyantritis symptoms can be erased, examining the ENT doctor does not always allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis, to understand the nature of the origin of the disease. In view of this, instrumental and laboratory studies are appointed:

  1. X - ray - in genyantritis, this is the main method of diagnosis, due to which it is possible to detect abnormal thickening of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, visualize possible neoplasms and determine the level of accumulated fluid in them according to the size of the shadows in the image.
  2. Computed tomography - this method is recommended if it is suspected of sinusitis, the symptoms of which are confirmed by physical examination, but X-ray diagnosis does not confirm this. The method is more accurate and informative, by means of which the state of the sinuses is better evaluated.
  3. A general blood test - can show leukocytosis and an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, which indicates an inflammatory process.
  4. Bakposev on the microflora of the punctate of the maxillary sinus - the study is aimed at identifying the causative agent of infection and determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to certain medications. This invasive procedure is appointed in exceptional cases in case of severe disease, high risk of complications, and inefficiency of antibiotic therapy.

Sinusitis - what to do?

In the case when the clinical picture indicates that the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses developed against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection (the main manifestations of the pathology were preceded by symptoms such as fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc.), special treatment is not required. The main thing to do if the genyantritis is at the catarrhal stage is to regularly carry out the hygiene of the nasal cavity using saline solutions and monitor the microclimate in the room to prevent the mucus from drying out and thickening.

The bacterial and fungal nature of the disease requires the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs, which the doctor must appoint. In addition, conservative therapy may include the use of such drugs:

In some cases, drainage and lavage of the sinuses is prescribed by the "cuckoo" method or sinus evacuation, physiotherapy (ultraphonophoresis, inhalation and others) is performed. If such treatment does not bring results, a surgical puncture (puncture) of the sinus is performed to drain the accumulated pathogenic fluid and further rinsing.