Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are diseases that affect various components of the circulatory system. They are the main cause of death: so many people do not die around the globe for any other reason! Therefore, it is extremely important to know what causes such ailments, their symptoms and methods of treatment.

What are cardiovascular diseases?

According to the statistics of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the most common diseases of this group are:

Also, the main diseases of the cardiovascular system are strokes and heart attacks that arise from the clogging of blood vessels, which prevents the normal flow of blood to the brain or the heart of a person.

Causes and symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system

The causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system are very diverse. To their appearance lead:

The main signs of diseases of the cardiovascular system are:

  1. Various painful sensations in the chest. The pain can be both burning, prolonged and acute, and have a short-term character and be dumb. Very often, when such ailments occur, the pain is given to the left arm, upper and lower back and neck.
  2. Strong heartbeat. Of course, the heartbeat can be amplified by excessive physical effort or emotional excitement, but very often the feeling of disruption in the heart indicates that the person has a cardiovascular disease.
  3. Shortness of breath . It provokes the ailments of the heart from the very first stages of the development of the disease. Usually it gets stronger at night.
  4. Edema. Their occurrence provokes an increase in pressure in the capillaries (venous). Most often, the ankles of the legs swell, but in bed patients the fluid accumulates in the sacrum and the waist.
  5. Pale or cyanotic. These symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system appear with spasm of blood vessels, heart failure and severe rheumatic heart disease.
  6. Dizziness and pain in the head. Such signs often accompany the diseases of this group, because the patient's brain does not receive the required amount of blood.

Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system is most often performed by means of such procedures as:

In addition, patients can be assigned a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, urine bacteriuria, a blood test for sugar or thyroid hormones.

The cardiologist deals with treatment of absolutely all diseases of the cardiovascular system. The doctor should be treated with the appearance of the slightest signs of heart disease or blood vessels, as their common feature is a progressive nature.