Signs of intracranial pressure

If a person has hypertension, then there are serious violations in his body. But there is one problem - very often patients do not pay attention to the main signs of intracranial pressure. This is because people do not even suspect that the sensations they experience are nothing more than the symptoms of the disease, and they write off fatigue, emotional overstrain, and lack of sleep.

Why do signs and symptoms of intracranial pressure appear?

Intracranial pressure is a quantitative indicator, which shows the strength of liquid liquor pressure on brain tissue. Ideally, the figures should vary from 100 to 151 mm of water. Art. or from 10 to 17 mm Hg. Art.

The main signs of intracranial pressure appear when the amount of cerebrospinal fluid increases, and it begins to press on the brain. This usually happens against the background:

Both direct and indirect signs of increased intracranial pressure should be paid attention. Otherwise, you can face complications. And they are the most unpleasant with hypertension: from a disorder of consciousness and disturbance of breathing to blindness and even death.

What signs usually appear with intracranial pressure?

Symptoms of developing hypertension in different organisms can be manifested absolutely perfectly. In adult patients, they tend to develop gradually. The main sign of the disease is a headache. It is concentrated in the forehead, temples or occiput and can be pressing, compressive or bursting and sometimes pulsating. Very often unpleasant feelings appear in the morning, immediately after awakening. In addition, soreness provokes lying in a horizontal position, straining, coughing, sneezing, squeezing the cervical vertebrae.

Concomitant signs of increased intracranial pressure are usually:

Understand that this condition of increased intracranial pressure can also be due to such a feature as a sharp change in blood pressure. During the day the patient has hypertension can be replaced by severe hypotension. And in some patients, the body reacts with high blood pressure to constipation and diarrhea.

If at least one of the above symptoms occurs regularly, you should contact a specialist. Otherwise, if the disease is allowed to run its course, dislocation and infringement of the cerebral hemispheres may start, and vital centers of the central organ of the central nervous system will be damaged. That, in turn, is fraught with a lethal outcome.

If signs of high intracranial pressure appear suddenly or as a result of a trauma to the skull, the hospital should be treated as soon as possible.