Hat head

Ancient Russian female headdress kitschka - a kind of an anvil . Most often it has the form of horns, more rarely - scapula or claw. Wearing her married women, the first time wearing on the wedding day, and then carefully stored and put on on the big holidays. This festive brocaded kichka was made of rich materials and decorated with pearls, stones, patterns.

What does a female kichka look like?

Kitschka - this is not the whole headgear, but its lower part. As she was wearing directly on her hair and covering herself with them, her second name is a hair band. He was able to give a firm form with inserts of birch bark.

Putting a tuft on his head, carefully hiding his hair behind this canvas, a long cord was fixed on his head, repeatedly tying them with horns. Next to her wore a slip - a rectangular velvet strip with a cardboard base for stiffness. And already on top of all this was wearing a smart magpie with embroidery.

Since there used to be a lot of importance attached to the symbolism and various amulets, all the patterns on the kitsch bear the semantic load. On them it was possible to determine, to which the estate belongs a woman, where she comes from, what she does. And more in-depth information related to the mystery of birth and the mystery of being, knowledge about which was carefully inherited from generation to generation, being original protections from the encroachments of evil spirits.

The horned cuckoo with age, women were replaced by a jerk. But even when kitschki were replaced by kerchiefs, the tradition of tying the tips on the front of the head in the form of horns, symbolizing the connection of the woman with Bereginya and the higher forces, was preserved.

Beautiful kitschka was especially common in several Russian provinces - in Tula, Ryazan, Orel. The first mention of it is found in the 14th century, but in the Voronezh region this headpiece was traditional for the wedding until the 1950s.