Worms in a kitten - symptoms

The disease caused by worms can develop slowly and only with the passage of time become apparent. The owner is advised to have information about parasitic diseases, to notice the symptoms of the worm in the kitten as early as possible.

Parasitic diseases

A kitten can get infected from other animals or by drinking dirty water from ponds or puddles. Worms penetrate the body through the digestive tract.

Depending on the type of parasite, the signs of worms in the kitten appear differently, but above all it is:

Since then, as it was possible to understand that the kitten worms must also establish their type, and for this it is best to contact the veterinarian. Varieties are set:

  1. Ascarids are similar to spaghetti 5-10 cm long. With increased appetite, the kitten tears with worms, and the tummy becomes excessively hard.
  2. Nematodes cause vomiting, blood in the feces , diarrhea. The kitten has a decrease in appetite, lethargy. This type can not be seen with the naked eye.
  3. Cestodes are infected through eating fleas, in which the larvae are. The egg-bearing segments can be found in the feces of the kitten or in the anus zone, they are white in color, and the dead are similar to rice grains.
  4. Filarias can be transmitted through a mosquito bite. Several blood tests are sometimes required for diagnosis.

What should I do if my kitten has worms?

The first step is to diagnose a variety of worms by contacting a vet. Then the type and dose of the drug are chosen, which depends on the weight and health of the kitten. A tablet is best wrapped in a piece of fresh chicken meat and in this form give a seal. We must ensure that the kitten does not spit it out. Some animals are very picky and they are hard to force to eat what they do not want.