Cake made of felt - almost like real!

From felt you can sew a cake that will be very similar to the present . This cake is suitable for interior decoration, and a small daughter will be happy to treat them to their dolls.

Cake made of felt by hand - master class

To make a cake we need:

Operating procedure:

  1. We make from paper on a pattern a pattern of a cake made of felt. Draw and cut out the side of the cake, the top and bottom sides of the cake, the interlayer, the leaf, the detail for the wafer tubule and the detail for the cream flower.
  2. We'll cut the top of the cake out of white felt, and the bottom one from the yellow one. We will cut out the details for the wafer tube from white and brown felt. A few leaves will be cut from a green felt. Details of cream flowers will be cut out of pink, yellow and orange felt.
  3. The side part will be cut from the yellow felt, and the layer from the orange.
  4. To the side part of the cake we sew an orange layer and a string of bindweed.
  5. We sew the side part to the bottom of the cake.
  6. On the opposite side, sew the top of the cake. There should be a non-sewn site on the side.
  7. Fill the cake with a sintepon.
  8. We sew a non-sewn section on the side of the cake.
  9. Let's take the details for the cream flowers. The ends of the rays of each part are sewed with thread and braided. We will get three cream flowers.
  10. From above on each flower we will sew a pink bead.
  11. Now make a wafer tubule. To do this, let's take the white and brown details, turn them together and sew on the side so that the tube does not unfold.
  12. We will wrap the tube with a white thread in a spiral and fix it. Wafer tube is ready.
  13. Sew to the top of the cake leaves, flowers and a wafer tubule.

Pastry cake is ready. It can be flavored. To do this, you need to drop a drop of vanilla extract on top or pour in a little vanilla powder during packing. The cake will look good in the kitchen or in the living room.