Toilette finish with plastic panels

When it comes to repairing the toilet or bathroom, the mind immediately comes a long and tiring finish tiles. This is the most common version of the wall and flooring material since Soviet times. However, in the modern world there is an alternative - plastic panels for the walls and ceiling of the toilet. They have long ceased to be a curiosity and are very popular.

What is the plastic finish of the toilet?

If we talk about the benefits of this option of repairing a bathroom, here, first of all, it is necessary to mention much less cost in comparison with tiles and faster installation.

Plastic panels are quite hygienic and look good, especially since there are many options for their coloring. The walls, covered with plastic panels, are easy to clean, they are absolutely not afraid of moisture, they do not deform and are not covered with mold . And this is extremely important in conditions of high humidity and constantly changing temperatures.

The truth is not to confuse the concept of moisture resistance and moisture resistance. Panels are not afraid of moisture and are inert to it, however they are not a barrier to damp, so you need to take care of the waterproofing of the walls before installing the plastic.

But in return you will get a durable, hygienic, beautiful coating, easy to care for. In addition, by themselves they will very successfully cover any unevenness of the walls. Cut and mount them by anyone, even without the experience of construction and repair.

Design of toilette finish with plastic panels

To the beauty of the toilet was not worse than in the rest of the apartment or house, it is important to choose the right color for the panels. If the room is small, do not take dark panels. It is better to choose light colors with a fine pattern or without it, so that they visually expand the space.

Also, when decorating walls in the toilet, you do not need to choose plastic panels with recesses and relief patterns, because dust and dirt will accumulate in them, making it difficult to clean and wash the walls.

Thanks to the huge assortment of colors of this finishing material, you can always create any design in the toilet. The main thing is that the picture on all panels is clear and uniform. Do not take wide panels, enough width of 15 cm. And immediately select the fittings of the same color for your panels - corners and endings in many respects affect the overall perception and aesthetics of the room.