Autumnalia - autumn color in the garden

Seasonal flower gardens in the period from early spring until late autumn, please gardeners with beautiful plants. In the spring flower garden - spring, with the onset of the first warm days there are snowdrops, primroses, daffodils, Hionodoxes. A little later, hyacinths, lilies of the valley, and tulips bloom. Next - daisies, pansies and forget-me-nots. Summer flower beds are characterized by an abundance of flowering plants. But by the end of the summer, the variety of flowers is declining, and in autumn it is completely disappearing.

But, it turns out, there are quite a few plants that retain their color until late autumn. In modern landscape design, the notion of "autonomalia" has recently appeared. Autumnalia from English autumn (autumn) is a garden of autumn flowers, one of the developing styles of flower garden design. The main plants that make up the autologalia are distinguished by a late flowering period or by a special brightness and decorative nature of the leaves.

Designing an autonomy

There are several constructive solutions to autonomic problems. Most often, the autumn flower garden is located near the house or along the garden path. The variant of placement in the garden under the tree crowns is popular, in this case it is customary to plant the plants more freely, without observing symmetry and maintaining strict geometric shapes. But other solutions for the autumn flower garden are also possible, for example, in the form of a traditional flower bed, a flower bed or a popular alpine slide.

It is very important when planning an autonomy to think over two fundamental points:

  1. The spatial arrangement of plants in a flower garden. The most reasonable option - the placement of plants with a gradual increase in their height, that is, in front of planted low-growing flowers, followed by medium-sized plants, in the background (or in the middle, if it is a flower bed) - the tallest plants.
  2. Color transitions. There may be two solutions: a smooth transition and a contrast transition. Smooth transition - it is supposed to gradually change colors, ranging from yellow and gold, continuing with orange and red, and completing the composition in purple and purple. Contrast transition - a sharp change in colors to emphasize the saturation of each hue.

Plants for autism

To create an outgrowth, late-flowering plants with bright colors or with rich foliage shades are selected. We offer plants that can make up your autumn flower garden.

  1. Korean chrysanthemums are usually planted in groups in well-lit places. Flowers vary in variety of shapes and colors.
  2. The New England aster attracts with its decorative features. Flowers are high growing, reach a height of 2 meters. Even one branch of asters with half-flower flowers looks like a magnificent bouquet.
  3. Helenium is perfectly combined with perennial asters. High flowers are planted in groups, as well as in spots.
  4. Marigolds are both low-growing, and of medium height. Double colors have a saturation of golden-purple hues.
  5. In the autumn flower garden, you can also plant deciduous, bean-shaped sedum, periwinkle, buzulnik, solidago.

Autumnal composition can complement the decorative shrubs.

  1. The panicle hydrangea is durable, retains its decorative properties for decades, besides it is very frost-hardy.
  2. The cotoneaster is distinguished by its magnificent bunches, consisting of bright orange berries.
  3. The spindle, adorned with crimson crimson flowers in the summer, burns with a purple leaf in autumn.
  4. Rowan in autumn becomes bright-dressed, thanks to crimson leaves and red berries.
  5. Autumnies can also be decorated with viburnum, hawthorn, dog rose and other frost-resistant shrubs.