Useful houseplants

For a long time, the useful properties of houseplants are not a secret to anyone. In addition to decorating and refreshing the interior, various vegetation in the pots moistens the air and produces oxygen. Some plants are used to create healing ointments and decoctions, are actively used in folk medicine and not only. But in addition to such useful properties, there are plants that have a beneficial effect on mood, combat allergy, strengthen immunity, purify the air in the room and even can eliminate the headache.

Potted plants useful for health

As you know, any indoor plant saturates the air of the room, where it is located, with oxygen. Despite its inconspicuous appearance, chlorophytum produces more oxygen than any other vegetation. A particularly useful property in the cold months, when heating works, is the ability of plants to moisten the air. The most qualitatively cope with this task are those plants that have large leaves, such as hibiscus, asparagus, ficus Benjamena, dracaena.

Pelargonium, Begonia, Primrose, Tradescantia, Euphorbia and Eucalyptus in addition to decorating your windowsill not only purify the air, but also reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in it. And some plants produce phytoncides and thus improve the atmosphere of the room. Such useful properties are aspidistra, lemon and pelargonium.

How to place useful plants?

Knowing which houseplants are useful, you can successfully place them around the house, guided precisely by their unusual properties. Lemon will most conveniently be placed in close proximity to the workplace, as it has long been proven that the essential oils produced by this plant have a beneficial effect on brain function, and also improve memory. Pelargonium will occupy a worthy place in the bedroom, and will remove irritability, as well as help get rid of insomnia. Aloe is famous for the healing properties of its juice, but very few people know that this humble plant is able to remove harmful substances from the air in the room, for example phenol and formaldehyde, and also to destroy microbes. Benzene "settles" in the ivy, and diffenbachia "will win" staphylococcal infection. Cactus will become a reliable protector against radiation, so so often these thorny plants can be found next to computer monitors or televisions. A useful house plant can even absorb negative energy. If there is a place in your home that seems unfavorable to you for some reason, feel free to put palm, ivy or ficus there. To find such pathogenic zone the cat will help, there it will equip itself a favorite place for a dream.

It is believed that any plant feel the mood of the owner, grow better if you talk to them, and "love" music. Perhaps all these opinions are just superstitions, but you can also try to experiment with your pets in pots. Do not forget to regularly spray plants and wash the leaves, so you not only prevent the accumulation of dust on the leaves, but also reduce the likelihood of parasites or various diseases.

The most useful houseplants will not only benefit your physical and mental health, but also become an ornament of an apartment, house or office. The greenery in the room creates a favorable microclimate and raises the mood, and fresh air, moistened and cleared of harmful substances, flavored with citrus notes, will be a reward for your attention to the features of plants, their proper placement and care.