Where do oranges grow?

Surely, many of us in our childhood dreamed for at least an hour to find ourselves in the place of the famous multgeroy, who lived in a box with oranges. Sour-sweet, juicy and joyful orange oranges are a vivid example of what can be useful and very tasty at the same time. But at the same time, not everyone knows how and where, in which country oranges grow. To correct this shortcoming will help our article.

How did oranges appear?

Information that the orange is a hybrid (a cross between mandarin and pomelo) a plant for many will certainly be a discovery. This very successful hybrid appeared long ago (2,500 years before our era) in China, where it was brought to Europe from the ships of Portuguese seafarers. Having received the name "Chinese apple", the orange very quickly fell to the court on European expanses. Moreover, numerous greenhouses were built for its cultivation.

Where do oranges grow?

For full development, orange trees need a mild warm climate with plenty of sunlight and heat. Therefore, this culture is best in the Mediterranean countries. Those who have ever rested in Turkey, Greece or Egypt, probably saw how the oranges grow there simply on trees in the street. In addition to these countries, oranges are grown in Sicily, in Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, India, Vietnam, Algeria, the USA, Spain and, of course, in China.

Where in Russia grow oranges?

On the Russian expanses there was also a place for growing oranges. Ideally suitable conditions (temperature, humidity and soil composition) for this purpose nature created on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia. But the domestic delicacy delivered from there is lost against the backdrop of a huge number of oranges imported from Egypt and Pakistan.