Low-grown tomato varieties for greenhouses

Tomato, as they say, he's also a tomato in Africa. But if you look at it from the other side, a completely different situation emerges. Many experienced farmers can confidently tell you that not all varieties of tomatoes can be suitable for growing in a greenhouse.

For hothouses, low-growth varieties are particularly attractive. First of all, because it is much easier to take care of them than for tall varieties. Therefore, truck farmers who save their time and do not want to tie up and patronize tomatoes , choose low-growth varieties.

The best low-fat tomato varieties

It is impossible to say unequivocally which variety of stunted tomatoes is better or worse. There are many varieties of low-growing tomatoes from completely different producers for growing in greenhouses. And of all this abundance, every vegetable grower chooses which variety is right for him, focusing on the size of the bush, the size of the fruit, the timing of fruit ripening and other factors.

Low-yielding varieties of tomatoes

In order to have a good yield, you need to be able to properly plant any variety and care for it. With all the rules for growing tomatoes in greenhouses, you can get a very good harvest.

The most productive low-growing varieties are:

  1. The pink leader is early ripening, the mass of fruits reaches 130 g, pink, suitable for salads and canning;
  2. Fontanka - very fruitful, early-ripening, fruits of only 100 g.
  3. Tolstoy is a very fruitful hybrid, delicious, fleshy, weighing fruit up to 200 g.

It is also worth paying attention to such varieties as "Summerman" and "Yamal" .

Short-grown large-fruited tomato varieties

Large-fruited amongst undersized varieties such as Azhur, Burzhuy . Their fruits are red, large, juicy. And also small-grown large-bodied pink tomatoes: Doll, Spring, North .

Short-growing early ripening varieties of tomatoes

If you want to grow tomatoes in your greenhouse by the end of June, you should take a closer look at such varieties as:

All these varieties have fruits of 80-90 grams, and their maturation period is 80-90 days.

Low-bred varieties of cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are incredibly delicious, they are suitable for preservation, for salads and simply for decorating various dishes. The weight of the fruit is 15-20 g. Early-ripening cherry tomatoes include such varieties as: