Fibrinogen is increased

Usually the existence of such a component of blood, as fibrinogen, a person learns when there are any problems. In the course of various processes in the body, fibrinogen may increase or decrease. When this component of blood is normal, specialists do not focus on it. In the article we will tell about what is fibrinogen and whether it is necessary to panic when increasing it.

Increased fibrinogen in the blood

First, you need to understand what is fibrinogen. It is a protein that is produced in the liver. He is responsible for blood clotting . When the vessel is damaged, fibrinogen converts fibrin under the influence of thrombin. Fibrin flakes group, join together and form a small thrombus stopping bleeding.

Specialists have established a norm of fibrinogen, in which the blood normally folds, but is not too thick. For an adult, this rate should not be more than four grams per liter of blood. A slight increase in fibrinogen is allowed during pregnancy.

In addition to the fact that fibrinogen is responsible for clotting, this component also affects ESR - the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is one of the most important indicators in blood analysis.

It is possible to suspect increased fibrinogen by noticing some problems with blood coagulability. A person with too much blood is very difficult to do any injection (if there is such a need). There are no other characteristic signs of an elevated level of fibrinogen. Determine the amount of this component of blood can only be done by analysis. Such studies are necessarily conducted before operations. Analysis of the level of fibrinogen - one of the main stages of preparation for childbirth, it is given to all pregnant women.

Causes of increased fibrinogen in the blood

When a person is absolutely healthy, the level of fibrinogen is normal, or it varies within acceptable limits. Often, pregnant women with an increase in the level of this component in the blood face closer to the third trimester. Although in some future mothers throughout the pregnancy the amount of fibrinogen does not change.

Show elevated fibrinogen in the blood test can for a number of the following reasons:

  1. Acute infections, accompanied by an inflammatory process, often contribute to the increase of fibrinogen.
  2. Blood may thicken due to myocardial infarction or stroke. The results of the tests made on the first day after a stroke can demonstrate a fairly high level of fibrinogen.
  3. The treatment for increased fibrinogen may be required by a person who undergoes surgery.
  4. Usually the blood becomes thicker due to a sharp increase in fibrinogen after burns.
  5. The intake of oral contraceptives can influence the level of fibrinogen.
  6. Sometimes the change in the composition of blood is affected by malignant tumors.

If the amount of fibrinogen is too high, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases (in the same way as in case with elevated cholesterol). So, to conduct a comprehensive examination after finding an increase in the amount of fibrinogen will not hurt anyone.

What to do and what treatment with an increased level of fibrinogen in the blood to take, should tell the expert, based on the overall picture of the state of health. Most often a special pectic food supplement is prescribed, which allows to effectively normalize the level of fibrinogen. This way of treatment, by the way, will suit people with high cholesterol.

Self-medication in this situation, of course, can not be engaged.