How to reduce the volume of hands?

Looking at their photos, women often remain unhappy with hands that look too full, especially if they were pressed to the body, and not withdrawn. Depending on your goals, reduce the volume of your arms will help exercise, proper nutrition or a full range of measures.

How to reduce the volume of hands?

If you do not look full, and your hands are in the usual state - it's also probably a matter of weak muscle tone. Because of this, the forearm becomes flat when pressed against the body, which in photos looks very disproportionate. In this case, you just need to do exercises for hands with dumbbells, which we will consider below.

If you have a certain amount of excess weight, and your hands are by no means the only problem area, then you should focus on fat burning, and only then improve the muscle tone. In this case, you are recommended to switch to proper nutrition to reduce the percentage of fat cells, and then connect and exercise.

How to effectively reduce the volume of hands?

In the question of how to reduce the amount of shoulders and arms, nutrition can not be neglected, since local fat burning is impossible, and the body itself will determine which fat cells to burn first. Thus, without going to the right food, you simply do not force the body to get rid of the fat layer, and no exercise will help.

Proper nutrition for weight loss should fit into this scheme:

  1. Breakfast - proteins + fats + complex carbohydrates (for example, boiled egg, porridge porridge with a spoonful of linseed oil, tea).
  2. Lunch - proteins + fats + complex carbohydrates (buckwheat with beef and salad of cucumbers with butter).
  3. Snack - protein + fats (tea with cheese).
  4. Dinner - protein + fiber (for example, fish with vegetables).

Eating within the framework of this scheme, you will reduce the fat mass of your body by 0.5 - 1.2 kg per week, and you can easily defeat the problem areas.

How to reduce the amount of hands at home?

In case the problem is flabby muscles, or if you have already coped with the fat mass, it is worthwhile to connect the exercises for the hands. It is best to use dumbbells of 2 kg and replace them as they become too light for you.

  1. While standing, move the hull forward to 30 degrees, arm bend in the elbows, elbows look up, in the hands of dumbbells. Perform forearms swing up at an intense pace for 1 minute.
  2. While standing, pull out your arms with dumbbells above your head and bend them in the elbows so that the dumbbell is placed behind your head. Perform flexion and extension of hands at an intense pace for one minute.
  3. Lying, spread your hands with dumbbells in the sides. Cut and spread your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, in front of you at eye level at an intense pace for one minute.

Completing the complex completely, you can repeat it 1-2 times again from the very beginning, especially if it is easy for you.