Sinus tachycardia

Did you know that tachycardia is different? Yes, indeed, there are several forms of tachycardia, each of which, although similar to each other, but still has some differences.

Features of the disease and the main reasons for its appearance

Sinus tachycardia is one of the forms that arises when the activity of the sinus node increases, which, in fact, sets the normal heart rhythm. The problem can arise in adults, in children, in absolutely healthy people, and in those who know about their problems with the cardiovascular system.

Causing sinus tachycardia can be stress, physical overload and various diseases. Propensity to develop the disease can be inherited. There were also recorded cases when sinus tachycardia was caused by medical preparations containing:

The attack can last from several minutes to several hours.

How to treat sinus tachycardia?

Before starting treatment for tachycardia, you need to determine what caused it. After this, all forces should be thrown to the treatment of this very reason and its complete elimination. When the main problem affecting the heart is eliminated, the sinus tachycardia should be cured and disappeared on its own.

In the treatment of heart rhythm disturbances, it will be necessary to take measures to eliminate the factors contributing to its acceleration:

  1. It is necessary to abandon the products containing caffeine. Coffee lovers refuse an invigorating drink is not so simple, but for your own health you can find something attractive. In addition, alternative drinking can also be very tasty (a substitute for coffee with chicory , for example).
  2. Accepting heart irritating drugs with sinus tachycardia is better to undo or replace.
  3. From the diet you need to exclude chocolate, spicy dishes. Of course, it is desirable to give up bad habits.
  4. With paroxysmal sinus tachycardia, treatment must necessarily include rest for the patient.

Medication is prescribed after examination by a professional.

As prevention is allowed in the treatment of sinus tachycardia and the use of folk remedies:

  1. Decoction on the basis of Leonurus and valerian can be consumed even by pregnant women.
  2. Alcohol tincture on melissa should be taken four times a day.
  3. A coriander broth should be drunk half a cup twice a day. The treatment course lasts about a month and can be repeated every two weeks.