Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe

A flexible tube with optics (gastroscopy) helps both in the examination of the gastrointestinal tract, and in carrying out some surgical interventions, for example, taking tissue on a biopsy or cauterizing a bleeding ulcer on the gastric mucosa. But for many patients the gastroenterologist probe for the procedure is a tool, even the thoughts of which cause an attack of nausea. Patients with this problem are interested in the question: how to do gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe?

Methods of gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe

There are several ways of gastroscopy without swallowing the tube. Let us consider them in more detail.

Capsular endoscopy

For the procedure of the GI examination, a miniature chamber is used, which is in a capsule the size of a large tablet (24x11 mm). Having got into the digestive system and moving along it, the miracle capsule spends photographing the sections of the digestive tract. It can be more than 1000 frames! The information is transmitted using a special sensor and recorded. The collected video material is subsequently processed by a computer expert. Based on the research conducted, a diagnosis is made.

There are a number of specific rules that patients need to know before preparing a procedure. Let's mention the main ones:

  1. For two days before the examination, only liquid and puree food should be taken.
  2. Eliminate the use of alcohol, beans and cabbage.
  3. The capsule is swallowed on an empty stomach, while it can be washed with water.
  4. During the procedure, it is necessary to exclude physical activity, it is unacceptable to make sudden movements.

For your information! The examination takes several hours (from 6 to 8). Then the chip with the record must be transferred to the doctor. The capsule comes out naturally in a few days.

Virtual Colonoscopy

Computer tomography allows you to view the gastrointestinal tract with a hardware installation. Due to this procedure it is possible to obtain information about the presence or absence of seals in the organs of the digestive system (polyps, neoplasms). A significant negative - a virtual colonoscopy does not allow us to detect small-sized seals.

X-ray examination

Another way of gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe is X - ray . Before the examination, the patient takes a barium solution. The method is painless, but not very informative, since it does not allow to reveal pathological processes in the initial stage, when the therapy is most effective. As a rule, an X-ray is prescribed for suspected swelling or the presence of bloody contents in feces and vomit.

Electrogastrography and electrogastroenterography

The method of electrogastrography (electrogastroenterography) is based on the analysis of natural electrical impulses that arise in the body with perelastitis of the stomach, thin and thick parts of the intestine and other digestive organs. Most often this method of examination is used to clarify the expected diagnosis, so it is used in diagnosis as an additional measure. The recording of electrical signals is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. EGG and EGEG on an empty stomach.
  2. EGG and EGEG immediately after meals.

The results obtained during the survey are compared with the norm. Based on the revealed deviations, a diagnosis is established (or refined).

Important! To get an accurate diagnosis, it is desirable to undergo a complete examination, in this connection, experts recommend using several methods of diagnosis.