Cardiovascular failure

Cardiovascular failure is a decrease in the activity of contractions of the heart muscle and a violation of blood circulation, which makes it difficult to supply organs with blood.

Symptoms of acute cardiac and vascular insufficiency

Shortness of breath, excessive sweating, the appearance of an unjustified state of anxiety, pain in the chest, lasting more than 20 minutes, violation of the frequency and strength of the pulse, dizziness are all symptoms of acute cardiovascular insufficiency. When these symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance, because the speed of response and the receipt of qualified medical care can depend on a person's life.

First aid for acute cardiovascular failure

Waiting for the doctor should resort to independent first aid, which will improve the condition and, possibly, reduce myocardial damage. For this:

  1. The person needs to be seated.
  2. Loosen the tightening elements of clothing.
  3. Give the tablet Nitroglycerin and Aspirin.
  4. With worsening of the condition and loss of consciousness, artificial respiration and indirect heart massage are done.

Symptoms of chronic cardiovascular failure

Chronic form of cardiovascular failure may result from damage to the heart muscle (ischemic disease, myocardial infarction). Also, such diseases and factors can provoke a chronic course of heart and vascular disease:

Signs accompanying chronic cardiovascular failure:

Treatment of chronic cardiovascular failure

Typically, the treatment is:

In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is possible:

  1. Shunting is a change in the direction of the blood flow.
  2. Correction of defects - restoration of deformed heart valves.
  3. Heart transplantation is indicated in severe forms that do not respond to alternative therapies.