Wooden Designer

In order to raise a child well and reveal his abilities, one must put a lot of zeal. To do this, it is necessary to communicate with the baby and organize classes. It is equally important to choose the right toys: cubes and cars are good, but the designer has the greatest opportunities for development. Working with him, your child will learn not only to assemble different models according to a standard pattern, but will eventually develop his creative abilities, creating various new designs. There are a lot of different kinds of shops in stores, but the most safe and pleasant to touch for children is the wooden designer.

When a child collects something with his own hands, he develops not only mental, but also physical and creative abilities. Therefore, children's wooden designers are not only entertaining, interesting, but also incredibly useful toy. They contribute to the development of your child, because:

Buying a designer, take into account the child's predilection and choose for start sets containing a small amount of details. Beginning to assemble a specific model, suggest the child first carefully consider the drawing and determine what it consists of. After that, prepare the necessary details and begin to assemble the model. At the same time, children develop the ability to compare and control work, find mistakes and independently cope with them. If the child is at first difficult to cope on his own, help and encourage him, without forgetting to praise in the case of the result.

When a child collects details of the designer, he independently explores and studies the shape and size of objects, develops spatial thinking. There is a huge selection of different wooden constructors. Below we will discuss them in more detail and give a brief description of each species.

Block wooden constructor

The set includes cubes of various colors and geometric shapes. Such a wooden constructor can be both desktop (small cubes) and outdoor (large format parts of the set). Studying with him, the kid himself goes a long way - from building a small turret of two cubes to building huge toy cities, castles and other structures.

Magnetic wooden constructor

This type of designer consists of solid parts that are made of a special tree, and inside of them there are metal elements, allowing to connect one part to another, thanks to the magnetic attraction. Often happens that having got a new toy, the child already in an hour forgets about it. But, having received such a designer, he can spend hours collecting various items, using the same details in different variations.

Wooden 3D Designer

Voluminous wooden models are already familiar to many parents. They cost, of course, more expensive, but they look impressive, and with the correct assembly, the child gets a three-dimensional beautiful figure. There are sets, both for boys - different models of technology, and for girls - doll houses, furniture sets.

Constructor of wooden straws

They are somewhat like houses of matches. Included in the set of wooden straws are glued together with PVA glue according to the instructions, forming walls, towers, gates and stairs. Then paper elements are cut out, folded and glued to the prepared structures. The work on creating structures made of wood straw is quite painstaking and will require care and perseverance. But the result will certainly please everyone. Such a designer is recommended to children from 6 years old under the close attention of adults.