How to teach a child English independently?

The earlier a child begins to learn a foreign language, the better and faster he will develop speech skills. When is it worth starting to study? It is believed that the optimal age is 3 years. Earlier, it is pointless to study a second language with a child, because he must first learn to speak in his native language. Therefore, parents should be the first to deal with their child, and not wait for him to go to school. So, let's look at how to teach a child English from scratch.

Where to begin?

To study a foreign language with a toddler follows under such conditions:

How to teach a child English at home?

First, start by studying the words. Remember that children remember what they are interested in. What do babies like? Songs, rhymes and riddles. They usually remember them well. Download audio on the Internet to learn English with young children and listen to songs with him, then sing along with them. On a walk, ask your child to sing a song for memory, remind him what words are in it and what they mean.

To learn vocabulary is better during games. For example, playing in the "daughter-mother" you can introduce the child to the traditions of England, and improve speech skills. To start, introduce the child to the relatives of the English doll, tell, for example, what fruits she likes, what clothes she prefers to wear, etc. Such a game is convenient because you can constantly invent new thematic scenes: a doll at school, a cafe, a walk, friends, etc. This will allow you to expand your baby's vocabulary in a relaxed and interesting way. Let the new words, phrases, the child repeats during the game, just watch the pronunciation.

Let's list the main ways how to teach a child English independently:

But these tips are applicable to the replenishment of vocabulary and the formation of oral skills.

How to teach a child to write in English?

This process requires the child's perseverance and a more serious attitude. In addition, the basis for written speech is oral. Therefore, if your child is 5 years old, he is ready to practice 20-25 minutes a day, and he already knows enough words in English, then you can begin to form his writing skills.

First you need to learn the writing of letters and their combinations. Then we explain how to write individual words that the child already uses in oral speech. It is important to connect associations. For example, you need to remember the word kitten (kitten). Draw with the baby an animal, which in two paws, instead of mice, holds the letters t. In the picture, write with the child an English word and its Russian-language version, repeat how it sounds orally. After some time, ask the child to write this lexeme, not peeking into the drawing. At a later stage, use various exercises to consolidate your writing skills: write the familiar three words together, and the child will disconnect them; let the kid insert the missing letters in the words, etc.

How to teach a child to read at home in English? Reading skills are developed along with writing skills or independently. Here the sequence is important:

You too, together with the child, pronounce the words aloud - so he will better remember their correct pronunciation.

Thus, we examined how to teach a child English without tutors. And remember that the main thing in your joint activities is regularity.