Fleece Eyvaz

This thirteenth rune of the German alphabet means protection. This means that you will cope with various difficulties and find a solution in any situation. Some interpret this state as the onset of a new stage, i.e. you will gradually and steadily develop.

Runa Eivaz meaning

The meaning of this rune: maybe on your way there will be obstacles or you will be sent a test. But, if you successfully pass it, you can achieve what you want. Therefore, do not be upset and depressed . You have to learn a valuable lesson, after receiving which, you can easily move on.

Runa Eyvaz inverted symbolizes the same, because it does not have a direct and inverted position. To work effectively with runes, you must spend a lot of time on each symbol. It is necessary to read them, visualize, meditate, etc. This is the activation of runes.

Activating runes

Take the rune in your hands, pronounce her name and feel how her power begins to act. At this point, you should, as it were, merge with the universe and let it in. Until now, it is unclear where the force comes from: outside or awakens inside. After that, you must raise the rune in front of you and understand that from now on this is your tool, friend and helper. This ritual should be done with each rune, that is, you must make friends with each symbol. It is recommended to activate one rune in one day. If you want to achieve an effective effect, it is better to make runes yourself, thereby you invest in them a lot of energy.

Rune from stone

Runes made of stone work very well. You can use river or sea pebbles, picking out your favorite pebbles. They should be a little flat and roughly the same size. The symbols are applied with a good water-resistant paint, after which the stone is covered with a clear varnish. It is worth noting that the diagonal lines are drawn from left to right, in vertical from top to bottom. You must have twenty-five stones, one of which is always empty.

What should I do if the rune eiwaz falls in love?

Many girls wonder at the relationship . Typically, this symbolizes conflicting emotions - from love to hate. Most likely, the partner for a long time will not be able to make a decision.

What is the treatment with runes?

It is known that runes help to fight diseases. There are special runic formulas, using which, recovery will come sooner. But with them, you still need to take traditional medicine. In various sources, you can find the meaning of runes and their combinations, which can help with disease. Many people draw these combinations on paper, on themselves, their photos or simply visualize them. In order to correctly use the runes, you need to fully study their values ​​and learn how to activate them, then they will help. It will be better if you consult with an experienced specialist, as independent practices can lead to sad consequences. It was believed that in antiquity The Slavs also used runes.

The Importance of Slavic Runes

You can find it in open sources. Many are interested in runic challenges. For those who do not know, the rune challenge means a love spell. If you need a certain person to call, come or want to talk, impose a special formula. But few people explain that this will end in disastrous consequences.

In magic there is such a thing as a pullback, so if you impose your will on someone or cause evil, you will surely return, perhaps in another manifestation, but no less harmful. Therefore, magic should be used only in good intentions, it will allow you to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.