Graphology - handwriting analysis with examples

Graphology is a science that allows, thanks to the analysis of handwriting, to learn a lot of information about the character of a person. Even the knowledge of graphology can be used like a lie detector to understand whether a person is telling the truth or not.

Handwriting analysis with examples in graphology

Thanks to numerous studies and generalization of information, specialists were able to identify the most frequently encountered handwriting.

Version of handwriting number 1 and number 2

Such handwriting is most often found in adolescent girls. Such people in life are focused on themselves and their feelings. They are stubborn and selfish, but this is mainly due to the desire to achieve independence. More authors of such handwriting are concerned about their appearance and image.

Handwriting option number 3

In graphology, analysis of this handwriting allows you to learn that its author in life often hides behind "masks". Still such people of character prudence, therefore they successfully manipulate associates, and it is imperceptible for victims. Authors of this handwriting live with stereotypes.

Handwriting option number 4

This type of writing is mainly found in young women. They live with a constant sense of duty. Owners of this handwriting inherent extreme criticality to themselves, and they are in any situation ready to go on self-sacrifice.

Handwriting option number 5

A graphological analysis of handwriting suggests that this was written by an adult woman. Such people are afraid and do not know how to express their own personality. The possessor of this handwriting is tense and incapable of spontaneous decisions.

Handwriting option number 6

Analysis of handwriting indicates that he wrote this emotional person, who always tries to control his own emotions. He is characterized by increased restraint and self-criticism. For the owner of this handwriting is very important respect and recognition of others.

Handwriting option number 7

A specialist in graphology assures that the author of the handwriting is a man who loves to dominate in life. Analysis of character in handwriting allows you to know that the author in life prefers to be the winner. Such people are poorly oriented in everyday life and love to talk a lot, while not hesitating, interrupt the interlocutor. A man does not think about the future, what is important for him is what is happening "here and now" and he also has mood swings.

Handwriting variant number 8

An unusual handwriting that indicates that its author is an individualist. He is characterized by a sense of superiority. In relations with other people, the author of handwriting is insensitive. He often plays a role and tries to look smarter in the eyes of others.