The highest form of thinking

Thinking is the process of human cognitive activity, in which a generalized and indirect reflection of reality takes place. The highest form of thinking is the ability not only to comprehend reality, but also to establish logical connections between objects of reality.

Thinking operations and forms of thinking

Thinking always assumes the existence of some kind of logic, which can be either true or false. In its structure, the following logical operations are distinguished:

  1. Comparison is a mental operation, during which the similarities and differences between two or more objects are established. This makes it possible to create classifications - the primary form of theoretical cognition.
  2. Analysis is a mental operation, during which a complex object is divided into constituent parts that are characterized and subsequently compared with each other.
  3. Synthesis is a mental operation, in the course of which the actions are reversed: from the individual parts the whole is recreated. As a rule, analysis and synthesis are usually carried out together, which leads to a deeper knowledge of reality.
  4. Abstraction is a mental operation, in the course of which the important properties and connections of an object are distinguished and separated from unimportant characteristics. Characteristics do not exist as independent subjects. Abstraction allows you to study any object in more detail. As a result, concepts are formed.
  5. Generalization is a mental operation, in the course of which mentally objects are united according to common characteristics.

These logical operations coexist with each other and can be used both together and separately.

Forms of logical (abstract) thinking

Consider the forms of abstract thinking and their characteristics. In total, three of them are singled out, and each subsequent one is more complicated than the previous one - this is a concept, a proposition and a conclusion.

  1. A concept is a form of thinking in which consciousness describes a class or features of homogeneous objects. For example, the concept of "dog" includes the Pekingese, the shepherd, and the bulldog, and other breeds. Other examples of concepts are "home", "flower", "chair".
  2. Judgment is a statement (positive or negative) about an object or property. Judgment can be simple or complex. Example: "all dogs are black", "a chair can be made of wood". Judgment is not always true.
  3. Inference is a form of thinking, in which a person draws conclusions from individual judgments. This is the highest form of thinking, because it requires maximum mental work. Logic studies inferences. Example: "It's raining, then you need to take an umbrella with you."

It is known that thinking always has some logic , but it is not always true. True logic is the highest form of thinking, and it allows you to establish not always obvious connections.