How quickly to cheer yourself up?

There are many ways to raise your mood and improve your emotional state. They can be divided into two groups: physiological and psychological methods. The application of these techniques, how quickly to cheer yourself up, in some cases depends on the situation and the specific circumstances.

How to cheer yourself up in the morning?

Morning for many people is a difficult time, especially for women. Most of us need to do so much in the morning - make breakfast, bring children to school, put ourselves in order. But how to do it all, if the mood is at zero and there is no desire to move.

Morning apathy and lethargy will disappear, they will be replaced by cheerfulness and emotional recovery if you apply simple rules:

  1. Breathe deeply . Fresh air activates the flow of oxygen to the cells of the brain and muscles, activates blood circulation and eliminates drowsiness. Just open the window and inhale fresh air.
  2. Take a shower . Sometimes it seems that there is absolutely no time for water procedures in the morning, but this is not so. Light shower takes 5-10 minutes, and the effect from it is simply stunning.
  3. Turn on the music . Psychologists have proved that music is very powerful influence on the emotional state, cheerful dance music will help to cheer up in the morning.
  4. Smile . Even if you do not want it at all. The facial expression of a person is interrelated with the psychological state, and not only does the mood affect the facial expression, but vice versa.
  5. Indulge yourself with delicacies . Even if you follow a diet, morning is just the time when you can afford even high-calorie foods and sweets. Delicious food always raises the mood, and you will have a whole day to burn excess calories.

How to cheer up at work?

If the morning did not manage to cope with bad emotions or the work was a nuisance, then help to get rid of bad mood will help such methods:

  1. Conversation - the usual communication with a friend or an understanding interlocutor will allow to distract from sad thoughts, it can be a conversation on the phone or in a social network.
  2. Lay out the problem on paper - divide a sheet of paper into three columns, in the first describe the problem, in the second - its minuses, in the third - possible solutions and pros.
  3. Do some simple exercises - no matter how funny it may sound, but squats, push-ups or just intense walking on the stairs will help disperse blood and refresh your thoughts.
  4. And again goodies - if you do not want to spoil your diet with cakes, eat a banana.

About the ability of bananas to raise the level of endorphins in the blood heard by many, and what kind of fruit lifts the mood, very few people know. It turns out that to improve the emotional state you need to eat fruits with a high content of vitamin C - oranges, tangerines, lemons, mangoes, kiwi, grapes , persimmons, gooseberries, currants. In addition to berries and fruits, solid cheeses, almost all kinds of nuts and seeds, sea kale, eggs, oats, buckwheat and, of course, black chocolate, should be added to the list of products for a good mood. A proper lunch or a snack will help to quickly cope with apathy and discouragement.

Speaking of a bad mood, we can not fail to mention seasonal differences in emotional state. Answer the question of how to cheer up in the offseason - in spring and autumn, just:

  1. Eat more vitamins. If fruits and vegetables do not help, buy a vitamin and mineral complex in the pharmacy. This will help to strengthen immunity and give vivacity.
  2. Go in for sports or just walk every day for at least half an hour. Physical activity improves blood circulation and saturates the brain with oxygen.
  3. Arrange a meeting with your friends. Communication helps to relieve nervous tension and get rid of stress .
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Go to the beauty salon, change your hairstyle or arrange a shopping. Nothing so pleases a woman as an image update.

The above tips at first glance seem too simple, but this is their effectiveness and effectiveness.