Scarlet fever in children - symptoms and treatment by better means

Before the invention of antibiotics, many minor illnesses were fatal for a small child. Scarlet fever is one such pathology, affecting mainly children aged 2-16 years. Thanks to modern treatment, this disease is no longer a serious threat, and its symptoms are easily docked.

Scarlet fever causes

The described infection enters the body only from the outside, from one person to another. The causative agent of scarlet fever is hemolytic streptococcus of group A of a specific type. He must have the ability to produce a special substance called "erythrotoxin". This is a toxic compound and determines how the scarlet fever occurs in children - the symptoms and treatment of the disease, its severity and duration. After recovery to erythrotoxin, life-long immunity is produced, therefore it is possible to transfer the examined pathology only once.

How is scarlet fever transmitted?

Infectious disease is easy to infect, the main pathway is airborne. Streptococcus remains viable outside the human body, so it is still transmitted through common objects (underwear, toys, dishes and others). Scarlet fever in a child can develop when in contact with an apparently healthy person without any symptoms. About 15% of the world's population are passive carriers of bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms permanently live on the mucosa of their nasopharynx and are released into the environment.

Scarlet fever - incubation period in children

The rate of appearance of the first clinical signs is not constant, it is different for each child. Not only does immunity affect how scarlet fever is expressed in children - the symptoms and treatment depend on the usefulness of the baby's diet, the state of his health and lifestyle. With an active protective system, the infection proceeds easily, its obvious signs are observed after 5-10 days after infection. In weakened children, scarlet fever debuts faster - the incubation period is 1-4 days. In such cases, bacterial damage is more severe, negative consequences are likely.

How much is scarlet fever?

An officially ill child is considered potentially dangerous to other children within 2-3 weeks of the onset of the first symptoms. Often scarlet fever is contagious and after recovery. There is the notion of convalescence of streptococcus, when bacteria are released into the environment for about 21 days even with the complete disappearance of the characteristic signs of infection.

How is scarlet fever manifested?

The described pathology has three main symptoms. They are indicative, that's why both pediatricians and experienced parents know well what scarlet fever looks like:

In addition to specific signs, there are general clinical symptoms:

Rash with scarlet fever

The cutaneous covering first simply turns red under the action of high concentrations of erythroxin in the blood. After a few hours it becomes clear that the child has scarlet fever - the rash covers the entire body in the form of very small bright crimson dots. Especially a lot of rashes on the body on the sides, in the area of ​​the folds of hands and feet. Specific rash in scarlet fever in children does not affect only the nasolabial triangle. Against the backdrop of a red and dappled skin, he looks pale.

Language with scarlet fever

The next step in examining the baby is the examination of the oral cavity. Explicit signs of scarlet fever in children are observed in the language. In the first few days of the disease, it is covered with a white coating, sometimes with a gray tinge. Later the surface is completely cleared, and indicative symptoms appear, as scarlet fever appears in children in the language:

Throat with scarlet fever

If you look deeper, it is easy to find a clinical picture of acute purulent sore throat. Signs of scarlet fever strongly resemble tonsillitis:

At this stage it is important to make sure that it is not angina that progresses, but scarlet fever in children - the symptoms and treatment of these diseases are different, but the clinical manifestations are similar. To check, it is necessary to check once again the specific signs of erythrotoxin release. When you can not independently confirm the pathology in question, it is better to immediately consult a pediatrician.

Treatment of scarlet fever in children

Taking into account the type of causative agent of the disease, basic therapy is carried out only with antibacterial drugs. Children easily carry scarlet fever - treatment is carried out at home, hospitalization is required in exceptional cases, when the baby's immunity is too weak or the risk of complications is high. General therapeutic measures for relief of symptoms and alleviation of children:

  1. Quarantine. For at least 10 days, care should be taken to isolate the child, to exclude his contact with other people.
  2. Bed rest. Rest is recommended in the acute period of the disease, especially if the baby has a high fever, and he feels a pronounced malaise, headaches. When the state of health is normalized, games and even short-term walks can be resolved.
  3. An abundant vitaminized drink. Children are useful fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes of room temperature, warm herbal teas with citrus and honey, sweet decoction of dried fruits.
  4. Gentle diet. Because of sore throat, it is difficult for a child to swallow solid food, so it is recommended that children be grinded, chopped and liquid dishes that are easily digested, rich in trace elements and vitamins. It is desirable to limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, canned food, smoked products, carbonated water. Often pediatricians are advised to adhere to the rules of table number 2 for Pevzner.
  5. Supportive therapy. Some negative side effects are accompanied by scarlet fever in children - symptoms and treatment with antimicrobial medicines are fraught with the emergence of allergic reactions and a violation of the balance of microflora in the intestine. To prevent these phenomena, probiotics (Bifiform), antihistamines ( Suprastin ), enterosorbents ( Enterosgel ) are administered.

Antibiotics for scarlet fever

Streptococcus type A is the most sensitive to penicillins, so antimicrobial drugs in this group remain a priority in the development of basic therapy. These include:

If a child is allergic or intolerant to penicillins, or the disease is severe, scarlet fever is treated with macrolides and cephalosporins:

You can not independently prescribe and purchase antibiotics, only the doctor is engaged in this. The specialist selects the duration of the course of therapy. It is important that scarlet fever is corrected in children - its symptoms and treatment is much easier if the approach is developed correctly. Reception of antibacterial drugs should last at least 10 days, early interruption of the course is fraught with the resumption of streptococcal reproduction, their spread to other organs and the occurrence of complications.

Than to gargle with a scarlet fever?

This procedure helps to clean the tonsils from bacterial plaque and reduce pain in the pharynx. A good way to treat scarlet fever is to regularly rinse your throat with antiseptic solutions:

At home, you can also prepare a therapeutic fluid. For rinses, saline and soda solutions, broths of medicinal herbs:

Scarlet fever - consequences

Forecasts are always favorable. If the symptoms were found in time, and the treatment is selected correctly, scarlet fever occurs quickly and easily - complications arise in exceptional situations. In case of unstable work of immunity or interruption of the course of antibiotics, the following consequences of pathology are probable:

Prevention of scarlet fever in children

Specific measures to protect the child from infection with streptococcus, yet. The graft from scarlet fever is also not yet developed to prevent infection, pediatricians are advised simply to adhere to general recommendations.

Main rules:

  1. Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash hands often.
  2. To teach the baby not to touch his face with dirty fingers, do not rub eyes and do not pick at the nose.
  3. Regularly clean the house and ventilate the premises.
  4. Cover your nose and mouth during sneezing and coughing (both your own and others').
  5. Teach a child to use only his own dishes, do not drink from one bottle.

It is more difficult to prevent infection, if scarlet fever is found in a child's team, prevention in such cases is aimed at preventing an epidemic:

  1. Healthy babies who had not previously tolerated the described pathology are isolated at home for 7 days.
  2. Sick children stay in quarantine and under the supervision of a specialist for up to 6 weeks (by doctor's decision).
  3. Anyone who contacts an infected child, during 5 days, irrigate the pharynx or rinse the throat with Tomicide (4 times a day immediately after meals).
  4. The premises are treated daily with a 0.5% solution of Chloramine.
  5. Linen and dishes are subject to boiling and ironing with a hot iron.