Flemoxin for children

All children periodically get sick and sooner or later parents have to deal with taking antibiotics. Since many of them have side effects and are perceived differently by each organism, parents are worried about their reception. One of the antibiotics, which are often prescribed by doctors, is Flemoxin. On the characteristics of the drug, as well as on what reactions the child's body should pay attention to parents, we'll talk further.

About the preparation

Flemoxin for children is an antibiotic with an active substance amoxicillin. Assign children with flemoxin for infectious diseases, for example, with angina, otitis in the middle and severe degree, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal tract and other ailments.

Allergy to Flemoxin in Children

The drug is effective, which has been proven by tests, but it should be applied carefully and under the supervision of a specialist. The fact is that the active substance of the drug belongs to the penicillin group and the child may have an allergy to flemoxin. Most often it manifests itself in the form of a rash on any part of the body. For the baby's skin it is necessary to follow and at the first signs of an allergy, inform the attending physician about it.

Much less often there are cases when flemoxin can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome or anaphylactic shock. In general, this occurs with a strong sensitivity to the components of the drug and the maximum amount of prescribed doses.

The effect of flemoxin on the gastrointestinal tract

Flemoxin, like any other antibiotic, has an effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines of the child. The specialist, prescribing flemoxin to children, usually indicates drugs that minimize the effect of the antibiotic, while maintaining the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in a normal state. Most often, together with flemoxin, a bifiform or linex is prescribed.

How to take Flemoxinum for children?

There are no age restrictions for taking the drug. In the treatment of infectious diseases, phlemoxin is prescribed even to children under the age of one year.

Dosage of flemoxin for children is determined by a specialist. It depends on the picture of the disease. Basically, taking the drug is calculated based on a daily rate of 65 mg per kilogram of the weight of the child. This dose is divided into two or three doses.

The duration of antibiotic use depends on the speed of recovery of a sick child. Usually the temperature begins to fall on the second or third day of taking Flemoxin. After the disappearance of symptoms, Flemoxin is used for two more days, on average one course of treatment is 5 to 7 days. If the disease was caused by one of the groups of streptococci, the duration of taking Flemoxin by children increases to 10 days.

How to give a child flemoxin?

The intake of flemoxin does not depend on the ingestion of food, and therefore give the baby a pill before meals, during it, and then after. If the child is small and can not swallow the pill of Flemoxin alone, it can be crushed and diluted in cooled boiled water to a state of syrup or suspension. Flemoxin children drink easily, since the tablets have a sweetish flavor.


In case of an overdose with flemoxin, the child may vomit or diarrhea may occur. If this happens, you need to contact a specialist. As a rule, children are washed with a stomach or give laxative solutions and activated charcoal.

Side effects

During the administration of flemoxin, in addition to allergic reactions, abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Thus, the child may experience nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, or a change in stool.