Cough to vomit in a child - what to do?

If a small child coughs before the occurrence of emetic attacks, his parents are almost always very much worried. In this situation, as a rule, the baby is frightened, after which it can not calm down for a long time. To understand what to do when a child coughs up vomiting, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the causes of this condition.

What diseases can cause vomiting during a cough?

Usually, attacks of vomiting on coughing occur due to irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Most often this situation is observed in the presence of the following diseases:

In addition, often such an unpleasant symptom can be associated with a strong runny nose, both infectious and allergic. Finally, in some cases, the cause of this condition is the ingress of a small foreign object into the organs of the upper respiratory tract.

What should I do if a child coughing causes vomiting?

The choice of tactics of action is always determined by the cause, which provoked vomiting. Therefore, immediately it is necessary to call a doctor, so that he carefully examined the child and diagnosed which disease caused this unpleasant symptom.

It is especially important to contact the medical staff as soon as possible if the cause of vomiting lies in the foreign matter entering the respiratory tract. Boys and girls aged 4 months to 2 years experience painful and uncomfortable sensations associated with teething, so they constantly pull everything they can into their mouths. In addition, babies can choke large pieces of solid food, as they are not yet very good at chewing. Of course, this situation can occur in older children, but most often this happens in this age range.

If your little son or daughter has played calmly for a while, but then suddenly turned red, began to choke and cough, which provoked a fit of vomiting, immediately call for an ambulance. Before the arrival of medical workers, it is necessary to turn the crumbs upside down and tap it lightly on the back, thereby freeing the airways. Even if you managed to push out an object that is stuck in the airways, be sure to show the baby to the doctor.

In some cases, moms and dads turn to the doctor asking what to do if the child coughs until vomiting at night. In most cases, this situation indicates the development of a serious infectious disease in children - pertussis. Most often with this ailment of a crumb awakens in the middle of the night from the fact that it suffocates. He begins a violent attack of cough, which is accompanied by a strain of the whole body and redness of the face and limbs. Sometimes a child becomes so stressed that, as a result, he has vomiting.

Since this disease is very contagious and dangerous, self-medication with pertussis can not be dealt with in any case. Show the child to the pediatrician and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Nevertheless, most often coughing attacks before vomiting occur in young children with colds. In this situation, the gag reflex arises from the excessive amount of mucus in the airways, which is due to the fact that the kids do not know how to get rid of it. What to do if the child has a cough before vomiting, the cause of which lies in the congestion of mucus, you also will explain the doctor.

As a rule, in this case, expectorating and mucolytic drugs or drugs that suppress coughing attacks. To ease the condition of the crumbs it is useful to regularly ventilate his room, use an air humidifier, as often as possible to do wet cleaning, and also give the baby a drink of warm water, mors or any other liquid.