Severe dry cough in the baby

Childhood ailments are always a concern for moms and dads. A severe dry cough in a child can be one of the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or more serious diseases - pertussis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc. In any case, a doctor's advice is desirable.

Preparations for cough control

Than to treat a strong dry cough in a child is a question to which it is very important to approach responsibly. Pediatricians insist that treatment should begin with funds that are not antibiotics:

  1. Alteika is syrup. It is a herbal preparation and is made on the basis of an extract of an altine root. It is prescribed to children from birth and is given in doses, depending on how old the baby is. Give this medicine to the child can not more than 7 days.
  2. Lazolvan - syrup for children. This drug has proved itself well on the roach. It can be offered to babies from the first days of life. Dosage for the youngest is 5 ml per day, and then increases, depending on how old your baby is. Treatment can be done for no more than 5 days.

What to do if the child has a severe dry cough, but there are no drugs at hand? Then folk medicine will help you . To do this, you need a rubber hot water bottle, 300 ml of boiling water, 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture of eucalyptus and 1 teaspoon of soda. All the ingredients are poured into the heating pad and filled with water. After this, the child should breathe a solution. This procedure is applied 2 times a day and will get rid of a strong dry cough in the child not only at night, but also during the day, and quickly enough. It is worth noting that after its holding it is forbidden to appear in the cold or draft for an hour.

Why is the temperature?

A severe dry cough with a child's temperature can occur with an acute form of a disease, for example, bronchitis, when the organism of the crumbs actively struggles with the infection. In this situation it is very important to apply the right treatment so that the disease does not become chronic.

But a strong dry cough in a child without fever may occur as a result of ARVI or chronic form of upper respiratory tract disease.