Nifuroxazide for children

Intestinal disorders and infections occur from time to time in every person, regardless of age. For their treatment, a variety of drugs are used: antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, etc. In this article we will consider a popular drug called "Nifuroxazide", we will talk about how to take nifuroxazide, whether there is a children's version of nifuroxazide and whether it is possible for a baby. We will also consider the indications for the use of nifuroxazide and its possible side effects.

Nifuroxazide: composition and indications

Nifuroxazide Richter is an antibiotic for children and adults. It adversely affects the majority of bacterial pathogens of intestinal disorders: enterobacter, salmonella, shigella, E. coli, Klebsiella, staphylococcus, cholera vibrio, etc. Depending on the size of the dose, nifuroxazide can act both bactericidal and bacteriostatic. That is why nifuroxazide can be used for dysbacteriosis - in the right dosage it does not depress the beneficial bacteria of the muscular and does not cause the emergence of new, resistant to antibiotic strains of bacteria. Nifuroxazide can also be used for a viral infection - in this case it will prevent the occurrence of a secondary, bacterial disease.


Dosing and Administration

Nifuroxazide is available in two forms - tablets and suspension. For adults and children over the age of 6 years are prescribed tablets, nifuroxazide suspension is used for children under 6 years.

The standard scheme of treatment with tablets: 2 tablets 4 times a day (with an interval of 6 hours). The intake of the drug does not depend on food (food intake). The average course of treatment lasts 5-7 days.

The treatment regimen using nifuroxazide suspension varies depending on the patient's age:

Before use, the suspension must be thoroughly shaken (until it is completely homogeneous). In the package there is also a measuring false (110ml) by means of which the necessary dose of the drug is measured.

In most cases, no side effects from the use of nifuroxazide are observed. Sometimes there may be dyspepsia, in rare cases, increased diarrhea. When these symptoms occur, withdrawal of the drug or changing course of treatment is not required. In cases where allergic reactions occur (dyspnea, swelling, rash), the drug should be stopped immediately.

The only contraindication to the use of nifuroxazide is individual intolerance to a number of nitrofuran drugs or sensitivity to any of the auxiliary components of the drug.

No cases of an overdose with nifuroxazide were recorded. If the prescribed dose has been repeatedly exceeded, a gastric lavage is prescribed. The drug intake during pregnancy is carried out under medical supervision.

Self-administration of nifuroxazide (without medical prescription) is highly undesirable. In no case can you combine the drug with any other medicines at your own discretion, change the duration of the course of treatment or the dosage of the drug.

Nifuroxazide should be stored in a dry, cool (17-25 ° C), inaccessible place for children, avoiding direct sunlight.