Bagels with condensed milk

Bagels - a dish is universal and infinitely diverse, because the filling and dough can be selected independently, in fact each time preparing different dishes, while observing the usual sequence of actions.

In this article, we'll figure out how to prepare bagels with condensed milk, but you can use the test recipes as the base for absolutely any filling, according to your taste.

Bagels with condensed milk


For the test:

For filling:


Milk warmed to room temperature and put the spar, ie. add dry yeast and sugar to it. While the opara is, we separate the proteins from the yolks: we beat the yolks and send them to the spoon first, followed by whipped whites, and carefully mix the mass with a wooden spatula. Now gradually pour the flour, until we get a soft and resilient dough, which we have to knead to smoothness.

The finished dough is rolled out (for convenience it can be divided into several parts) and put the previously softened oil in the center. We fold the edges of the dough with an envelope, roll out the resulting rectangle again, roll it with a roll, and roll in turn into a "snail". "Snail" from the dough is left for an hour in the fridge, and then repeat the rolling out of the envelope 2 more times. We cut the finished dough into triangles, on a large part of each of which we lay on a teaspoon of condensed milk. Fold the triangles in the direction of the top, grease with whipped yolk and send to bake at 220 degrees 13-15 minutes.

The recipe for making such bagels with boiled condensed milk can greatly simplify the use of the finished puff pastry.

Bagels with boiled condensed milk on sour cream dough


For the test:

For filling:


We sift the flour and mix it very thoroughly with the rest of the dry ingredients. Melt the butter, and beat the eggs with sugar and sour cream, add everything to the flour and knead the elastic dough. The ready dough is left to rest for 30 minutes in the fridge, after which we divide it into 4 equal parts, each of which is rolled into a pancake 1 cm thick. Pancakes are cut into equal triangles, spreading the condensed milk on the bottom, the wide part. The edges are pinched to the center so as to cover the filling, and then roll the bagel towards the top. Now our bagels with condensed milk can be baked at 190 degrees 20 minutes, do not forget to grease with a yolk and sprinkle with sugar.

Bagels of short pastry with boiled condensed milk and nuts


For filling:


We melt the butter and mix it with sugar, add the egg whipped with sour cream to the mixture and start pouring the flour. On average, this amount of ingredients will take about 500 grams of flour, but follow the consistency - the dough should not be sticky or sticky. The mixed mass is left in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then proceed to the formation of bagels. Cut out the rolled pancakes triangles, fill them with a filling of ground nuts with condensed milk and roll like in previous recipes. Sandy bagels remained only bake at 180 degrees 25 minutes, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!