Siding - Types

The most popular kind of plating of a country house today is siding. For the first time this type of decoration appeared relatively recently: in the middle of the last century. Giving the building a beautiful and complete look, siding, besides this, is able to protect the building from the influence of unfavorable weather conditions.

Made siding of various materials: metal and wood , vinyl and cement. At the same time such finishing can successfully imitate other finishing materials. For example, a house designed with a siding in the form of a log will look environmentally friendly, and its fire risk will not exceed this figure in natural finish. Siding in the form of a stone can be given a home of solidity, while not increasing the weight of the skin. With a siding in the form of a brick, your house will look expensive, but the real cost of such a design is much lower compared to natural material. Let's look at the types of siding and their main characteristics.

Types of facade vinyl siding

This most common today, the facing material is available in the form of PVC panels. With his help, the house can be faced with brick, wood or stone . Vinyl siding has good performance characteristics. It does not burn, is resistant to high temperatures, environmentally safe. Its mounting is quite simple due to the low weight of the material. However, if you want to insulate your house with vinyl siding, you will need to install an additional heater. The price for this type of decoration is the lowest in comparison with other materials.

One of the types of vinyl cover for the house is the basement siding. It is designed for use in difficult weather conditions. The thickness of this material is large compared to vinyl siding. The cost of socle siding is much higher than vinyl, but it also has advantages. This material is durable, non-flammable and resistant to mechanical damage. The house, lined with socle siding, looks beautiful and presentable.

Recently, the German company Döke released a new type of vinyl siding, which has the original colors of blueberries, plombi, pistachios, halva.

Types of wooden siding

Wooden siding has found its application in frame construction. In addition to the well-known dial-up board, there are other types of wooden siding that differ in cross-sectional views or in the manner of installation:

A kind of wood siding at home is wood siding. Such a coating is made of a wood-cellulose mixture of the type of MDF. Additional impregnation with special resins provides the material with strength, frost resistance and moisture resistance. This type of siding can be used for both exterior and interior decoration of the building. However, when using such boards outside the house, their service life is reduced due to the influence of an aggressive environment. But wood-polymer siding, obtained from wood shavings and polypropylene, is intended for external use only.

Metal siding

Steel siding is covered with special polymers and paint, its sheets are both smooth and embossed. The material is durable, not combustible, but is subject to mechanical damage, and in order to change the damaged area of ​​the cladding, it is necessary to disassemble completely the entire skin of the house.